I am embroidering a tiger.

in Nerday3 years ago

Hello dear friends! After moving, I decided to relax a bit and sat down to embroider again. Maybe someone remembers I also know how to embroider.

I like to embroider but there is very little time for this hobby. Creativity for me is also income, I paint portraits, postcards. Now I also draw on food, since I got a job in a pastry shop.

I am embroidering a tiger.

Привет дорогие друзья! После переезда я решила немного расслабится и села вновь вышивать. Может кто помнит я еще и вышивать умею.

Мне нравится вышивать но для этого хобби совсем мало времени. Творчество для меня ведь и заработок, я рисую портреты, открытки. Теперь еще и рисую на еде, так как устроилась в кондитерский магазин.

Я вышиваю тигра.

Big bear) I love big toys. I have a lot of stuffed toys. I even take one with me on my travels. The toy creates home comfort, and I fall asleep easier this way.

Большой мишка) Я люблю большие игрушки. У меня много мягких игрушек. Я даже беру одну с собой в путешествие. Игрушка создает домашний уют, и я так легче засыпаю.

I already have a large collection of ducks at home. I love these cute creatures so much. I drew postcards with ducks, I also have things with a picture of a duck. Once in the store, I liked the duck keychain. I didn't buy it at first, I thought I wouldn't need it. But on the second day I went to this store to buy this duck keychain =).

У меня дома уже большая коллекция уток. Я так люблю этих милых созданий. Я рисовала открытки с утками, еще у меня есть вещи с изображением утки. Один раз в магазине мне понравился брелок с уткой. Я сначала не купила, думала не понадобится. Но на второй день я поехала в этот магазин чтобы купить этот брелок с уткой =)


Hi @andrianna, We have the ability to use creativity in many different ways. It is a subject that has spread widely. I was able to see from the creators of the content here that it can be done as a hobby as well as to earn an income. You are one of them. I have no words to describe your creativity. Today there is a tiger embroidery in a very beautiful way. My heart was glad to see it. I would like to thank you for presenting this content to our platform.

Hey! Very pleased to hear. I'm really trying. By the way, tomorrow I will show you a new kind of art, a technique that few people have drawn and few have heard about it. I want to develop this technique in the future. Don't miss it, it will be interesting)
Thank you friend!

You are just multi talented..

que genial bordado de tigre,me gustaria tener uno asi <3

What a great tiger embroidery, I would like to have one like this <3