Photo of flowers - Daffodils.

in Nerday3 years ago

Photo of flowers - Daffodils. This is one of the first flowers to bloom in early spring.

Daffodils come in different colors, for example, like the yellow ones in my photo, there are also white, lemon ones.

And there are many more species than flowers, like, if I'm not mistaken, about 25 species.

In different countries, this flower is treated differently, somewhere this flower is compared with a beautiful girl, her eyes, somewhere the deathbed is removed, and of course there are countries where this flower is a symbol of love. Daffodils are also used in perfumery.


Que espectáculo de posts ! Felicitaciones.

Symbols of renewal and new beginnings, also friendship in Victorian times

Unbelievable, how much effort did you need to capture these photos?