RABONA #6 : Season 56! Two Goals Per Match!

TawadakFC24 : Become a RABONA Football Manager Legends

Current Standings


Total of 20 games so far, won 17 match, two draw and one lost. Current place is 3rd on the league.

With a total of 38 goals and 53 points.

Result from previous match.


It seems that my average goal per match is two.

Incoming match until the end of season.


Team Stat and Details



Current Overall Strength is still the same which is 35. Win rate increased by 3% from previous win rate 82%. Now the current total win rate is 85%.

Current Player Lineup


Financial Stat

Now the club is making good progress in gaining more ticket sales. Fans is increasing slightly over time. Its a good indication that the club is doing great and attract people to go and watch our matches.

We are thankful for all the fans that always supporting us. You guys made the football club alive.


Ticket sales = 265,000
Shop (merchandise): shirt sales = 17,550
Shop (merchandise): scarf sales = 2,470
Catering: beer sales = 7,700
Catering: bratwurst sales = 3,237
Hotel income = 1,100
Parking lot income = 1,100
Total income = 298,157


Stadium: operating costs = -10,620
Player salaries = -81,600
Scouting = -100,000
Shop: operating costs = -17,000
Shop (merchandise): shirt costs = -6,065
Shop (merchandise): scarf costs = -1,133
Catering: beer costs = -1,618
Catering: bratwurst costs = -1,925
Youth Academy: operating costs = -6,630
Building Yard: operating costs = -2,550
Office Building: operating costs = -390
Training Center: operating costs = -6,000
Hotel: operating costs = -330
Parking lot: operating costs = -330
Total costs = -236,191

Result = 61,965


And that is for today's TawadakFC24 Club repost. The team logo is still on its way, just stay tuned. Until next time!

Keep on Kicking! RABONA!