Iniciativa: Día Internacional de las bromas/ Te invito a comer anime. Una mala broma// Initiative: International Jokes Day / I invite you to eat anime. A bad joke.

in Holos&Lotus2 years ago

Saludos, amigos, acudo a la invitación que nos hace @lisfabian, como promotora de la risa en esta blockchain para que en el marco de la celebración del día de la broma contemos esa anécdota o tontería que hicimos para reírnos.


Todos conocemos los beneficios de la risa, por eso los ratos más memorables son aquellos donde nos hemos reunido a contar chistes y reírnos hasta más no poder.


Voy a contar una historia que pese a que en su momento fue jocosa o por lo menos así me lo pareció, hoy en día no lo veo igual, no porque haya perdido la necesidad de reír y de verle a todo el lado positivo, sino porque uno madura y por aquello de que no le hagas a otro lo que no quieres que te hagan a ti y otras.

En mis veintitantos años solía ir a fiestas y reuniones de esas que se hacen en los sitios de trabajo, donde hay música, comida, bebida y mucha juerga. En muchas de ellas se hacían juegos. En una de esas celebraciones conocí este y no dudé en ponerlo en práctica cuando tuve reuniones en casa.

Ahí las risas eran tantas, que nos dolía la cara, había confianza, éramos vecinos y amigos cercanos, que disfrutaban sin enojarse, también eran llaneros, no sé si esa circunstancia influia. El asunto era el siguiente:

En estas reuniones entre bebida y bebida se repartían pasapalos: bolitas de carne, tequeños, quesos, entre otros. En una bandeja dispuse queso blanco, aceituna y jamón ensartados en un palillo, bañados de salsa rosada; el «chiste» consistía en que algunos de los quesos no eran tales, sino unos trozos de anime muy bien cortados, de manera que parecieran quesos; el jamón y la aceituna aportaban el peso por lo que los comensales no sospechaban nada y se llevaban todo a la boca.

Había unos cuantos que estaban al tanto del juego y colaboraban llevando la bandeja de un lado a otro, en ese momento era divertido ver la reacción de la gente. En la bandeja también había unos que sí tenían queso, por eso quienes habían salido «favorecidos», con el pasapalos especial no entendían como otros comían y comían sin problema.


Algunos masticaban largo rato sin entender las risas de quienes estaban observándolos, (conocedores de la trampa) otros tragaban, otros escupían y unos cuantos disimulaban, al final todos reíamos de las caras de estupor de cada quien.

Un día se me ocurrió hacer la misma gracia en Maracay en casa de una tía, con sus invitados, como ella tenía su buena dosis de humor, aceptó y participó de la idea.

Llegado el momento ocurrió lo mismo de siempre, gente que reía sorprendida y caía en cuenta de que era una broma y gente que se molestó, donde entra un señor que se ofendió mucho y se paró a vociferar y a reclamar la falta de respeto. De nada valían las aclaratorias ni las disculpas, el hombre estaba enojado y se fue de la fiesta con su familia, insultando y reclamando con ira, eso no fue gracioso.

Aquello no estuvo bien y nunca más hice mis apetitosos bocadillos de anime.

Versión en inglés


Greetings, friends, I come to the invitation that @lisfabian makes us, as a promoter of laughter in this blockchain so that in the framework of the joke day celebration we tell that anecdote or silly thing that we did to laugh.

We all know the benefits of laughter, that's why the most memorable moments are those where we have met to tell jokes and laugh until we can't.


I am going to tell a story that despite the fact that it was funny at the time, or at least it seemed that way to me, today I don't see it the same way, not because I have lost the need to laugh and see everyone on the positive side, but because a mature one and for that of not doing to another what you do not want them to do to you and others.

In my twenties I used to go to parties and meetings of those that are held in workplaces, where there is music, food, drink and a lot of partying. Games were played in many of them. In one of those celebrations I met this and I did not hesitate to put it into practice when I had meetings at home.

There was so much laughter there that our faces hurt, there was trust, we were neighbors and close friends, who enjoyed themselves without getting angry, they were also plainsmen, I don't know if that influenced. The matter was the following:

In these meetings between drinks, appetizers were distributed: meat balls, tequeños, cheeses, among others. On a tray I arranged white cheese, olives and ham skewered on a toothpick, bathed in pink sauce; the "joke" was that some of the cheeses weren't fairy tales, but really nicely cut anime pieces, so they looked like cheese; the ham and the olive contributed weight so that the diners did not suspect anything and they put everything in their mouths.

There were a few who were aware of the game and collaborated by carrying the tray from one side to another, at that moment it was fun to see the reaction of the people. On the tray there were also some that did have cheese, that's why those who had come out "favored" with the special snack did not understand how others ate and ate without probleprobln these meetings between drinks, appetizers were distributed: meat balls, tequeños, cheeses, among others. On a tray I arranged white cheese, olives and ham skewered on a toothpick, bathed in pink sauce; the "joke" was that some of the cheeses weren't fairy tales, but really nicely cut anime pieces, so they looked like cheese; the ham and the olive contributed weight so that the diners did not suspect anything and they put everything in their mouths.

There were a few who were aware of the game and collaborated by carrying the tray from one side to another, at that moment it was fun to see the reaction of the people. On the tray there were also some that did have cheese, that's why those who had come out "favored" with the special snack did not understand how others ate and ate without problem.

Some chewed for a long time without understanding the laughter of those who were watching them, (knowing the trap) others swallowed, others spit and a few hid, in the end we all laughed at the stunned faces of each one.

One day it occurred to me to do the same funny thing in Maracay at an aunt's house, with her guests, as she had her good dose of humor, she helped and participated in the idea.

When the time came, the same thing always happened, people who laughed in surprise and realized that it was a joke and people who got upset, where a man came in who was very offended and stopped to shout and claim the lack of respect. Clarifications and apologies were useless, the man was angry and left the party with his family, insulting and complaining with anger, that was not funny.

Mi contenido es original
He usado el traductor de Google


 2 years ago  

¡Que traviesa ! Se pasaron jhajahaajahaj lo haré jahajhaajahaj espero que no me insulten. Muchas gracias @charjaim por apoyar estas iniciativas.


jajajajaja, que tremendura como me hizo reír 😅😂🤣

@tipu curate 2

Reír es bueno. Gracias. Saludos cordiales.