Poema ✏️ | ¿QUÉ ES EL AMOR? // WHAT IS LOVE?

in Writing Club2 years ago

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Por: Alcides J. Cádiz #Venezuela

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Cuando te miras al espejo
y te aceptas tal y como eres,
eso es amor, amor propio.

Al estar con tus padres y sonríes,
aunque sabes que te critican
y viven insistiendo en su punto de vista,
tu igual sientes que los necesitas,
eso es amor, sinónimo de familia.

Al sentir que extrañas a tus amigos,
esos hermanos que uno elije,
que consideramos regalo de la vida,
es otra forma de amor
que a plena conciencia escogimos.

Si descubres a alguien
que hace cuestionar tu existencia,
hasta le ofreces tu vida entera,
ese es el paso al amor verdadero,
el complemento a nuestro silencio,
aquel que hace detenerse el tiempo.

Y el más puro de todos,
cuando ves a tu bebe a los ojos,
te regala su primera sonrisa,
te cautiva y atrapa para toda la vida,
allí entiendes lo que tus padres sentían,
y el ciclo del amor se reinicia.

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When you look in the mirror
and accept yourself as you are,
that's love, self-love.

When you are with your parents and you smile,
even though you know they criticise you
and they live insisting on their point of view,
you still feel that you need them,
that's love, synonymous with family.

When you feel that you miss your friends,
those siblings that you choose,
that we consider a gift of life,
is another form of love
that we consciously chose.

If you discover someone
who makes you question your existence,
you even offer them your whole life,
that is the step to true love,
the complement to our silence,
the one that makes time stand still.

And the purest of all,
when you look into your baby's eyes,
it gives you its first smile,
captivates you and captures you for life,
there you understand what your parents felt,
and the cycle of love restarts.

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Poemas ✏️ | Portafolio exclusivo de Hive 2020
Poemas ✏️ | Portafolio exclusivo de Hive 2021

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Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)