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RE: Warner Music Group Partnership Announcement!

in Splinterlands2 years ago

Exactly my question. Does this impact any splinterland NFT assets at all? I hope there will be some synergy between the two separate projects but that hasn't really been addressed.


I feel like the statement is saying games, not one game, more like a framework that can be used to build upon, although I have no clue how that will work exactly, hopefully tonight's AMA will give more clarity. In any case it is crazy news.

That would be very interesting.

At least there will be lots of free marketing for games.

  • marketing leads to more users
  • more buyers & demand
  • higher NFT prices :)

(1) SPS governance token for all games
(2) New games implement our SPL NFT's in game play

i would find it quite scandalous if they did not use the sps token for the new games!

by the way, are you guys about to release another update for PeakD? I am seeing some new things :)

Yeah huge set of upgrades was released yesterday. We are training some new writers and someone is working on the official @peakd announcement post to share all the updates.

I wouldn't mind some writing training and i have editorial experience too, so hit me up if i could be of use.