somedudetm cross-posted this post in Splinterlands 3 years ago

Why Summoners and General Utility on Cards are your #1 Priority

in #splinterlands3 years ago

People are obviously very excited about the Chaos Legion launch, as am I.
Most card prices, historically, increased steadily after release, so most are going to want to buy them looking for profit in the long term.

However, it is important to analyze some statistics. With the help of, let's look at some examples from Untamed Commons:


Untamed Rare:


And so on. I'm not going to list every detail and every card, so i just recommend you go to for price analysis. Either way, what you can notice is that the general trend is positive, with some dropping: Largely dependent on combat effectivity. This is incredibly important to note, and how cards like furious chicken and other 0 Mana cards inflated so much.

But what has especially inflated is Summoners, and particularily effective cards, consistently so.





Again, these are just various random examples, but i recommend to look more into this. It is important to note that Summoners are also incredibly volatile, in the positive or the negative - Summoners being added to or pulled from the Starter Cards can make the price explode, like Alric.

Either way, Summoners and "specific cards" that evidently are OP can be identified quickly and should be prioritized, as they will inflate as the playerbase does. From current CL cards, Doctor Blight is an obvious example, but i also think Quix could be very valuable in the future - you are ultimately the judge. People should not ignore the cards that have been pulled from the Starter Deck, however, like Alric - People may have gotten used to them in their strategy, and as such will be willing to pay more. I sincerely doubt that Alric will stay at only at 200 USD, considering how central he was to lower tier pre-CL meta.