in Cervantes2 years ago

fuente imagen


Por: Alcides J. Cádiz #Venezuela


Aun no sé si eran tus sueños de surgir,
quizás la necesidad que tenías de huir,
porque todo lo que hacías era fingir,
ya estabas agotado,
tu verdadero ser cada vez más colapsado,
así que te pusiste alas y te fuiste a otro lado.

Poco a poco todos tus deseos se cumplieron,
aunque seguías luchando contra tu veneno,
el tiempo hizo que se cayeran las máscaras,
y un caos nuevamente te robó la calma.
Estas construyendo todo lo que quieres,
pero aún no eres feliz.

El tiempo se te consumió persiguiendo metas,
respirabas y luchabas para el poder tener,
distraías tu mente para evitar remordimientos,
para que la pena y vergüenza no afloraran,
te convenciste de que tu vida era buena,
en tus redes todas las fotos eran divinas,
pero cada vez que te veía, no eras feliz.

A decir la verdad, nunca te he visto feliz,
solo has estado escapando de la realidad,
forzándote a encajar en un mundo irreal,
sabiendo que lo que te ofrece es vanidad.
A decir verdad, desde que te vi me pareciste genial,
sentí que te podría ayudar a aterrizar,
a tu centro volver a encontrar,
quizás esperé demasiado de ti mismo,
mi deseo de verte con una sonrisa real,
me hizo olvidar que tienes derecho a errar,
y el derecho a tu libre elección
bloqueo de tu mente la percepción
de poder ver más allá y reflexionar en las consecuencias,
no siempre lo que queremos es lo correcto.

Te vi de nuevo, me alegré muchísimo,
celebré tus triunfos y caminos recorridos,
pero me despedí con tristeza...
porque no te vi feliz, y mi deseo es que lo seas,
aun sigues convencido en tus flaquezas,
pero el tiempo lo ha demostrado, una y otra vez,
no es lo que buscabas ni necesitabas,
la felicidad que perdiste siempre estuvo frente a tu cara.




I still don't know if it was your dreams of rising,
maybe it was the need you had to run away,
because all you did was pretend,
you were already exhausted,
your true self more and more collapsed,
so you put on wings and you went somewhere else.

Little by little all your wishes came true,
although you were still fighting against your poison,
time made the masks fall off,
and chaos again stole your calm.
You are building everything you want,
but you are still not happy.

Time was consumed with chasing goals,
you breathed and fought for the power to have,
you distracted your mind to avoid regrets,
so that sorrow and shame wouldn't surface,
you convinced yourself that your life was good,
in your networks all the pictures were divine,
but every time I saw you, you were not happy.

To tell you the truth, I've never seen you happy,
you've just been running away from reality,
forcing yourself to fit into an unreal world,
knowing that what it offers you is vanity.
To tell you the truth, I saw you I thought you were great,
I felt that I could help you land,
to find your centre again,
maybe I expected too much of yourself,
my desire to see you with a real smile,
made me forget that you have the right to err,
and the right to your free choice
I blocked from your mind the perception
of being able to see beyond and reflect on the consequences,
not always what we want is the right thing to do.

I saw you again, I was overjoyed,
I celebrated your triumphs and the roads you have travelled,
but I said goodbye with sadness...
because I didn't see you happy, and my wish is for you to be happy,
you're still convinced in your weaknesses,
but time has proved it, time and time again,
it's not what you were looking for or needed,
the happiness you lost was always in front of your face.


Poemas ✏️ | Portafolio exclusivo de Hive 2020
Poemas ✏️ | Portafolio exclusivo de Hive 2021
Poemas ✏️ | Portafolio exclusivo de Hive Enero - Junio 2022


Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)