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RE: Daily Hive Stats Report - Tuesday, May 25, 2021

in Hive Statistics3 years ago

Lack of user growth is a concern. Late last year we were hovering in the $12c range with daily posts at ~2500 per day. Now we're bouncing between $0.80 and $0.40 meaning rewards have massively increased, and yet we've only doubled our daily post count to about ~5000 per day.

Since the price peak at the start of April, user activity has just drifted slowly downward.

Our onboarding is terrible with tiny numbers of new accounts, and even worse seems to be our retention. We still have a problem that normal users just don't stick around.


It's a steep hill to climb, if 9 out of 10 don't make it, is that the hill's fault?

 3 years ago  Reveal Comment