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RE: Metrics for The Social Media Blockchain - Intro

in Hive Statistics3 years ago

This is sadly too accurate and I'm seeing so many examples of this myself trying to develop and make connections.

I wish there was a system where one could choose to remove downvoted comments on their own content but I sadly believe this never will happen with Hive...or am I mistaken in thinking this is actually a decent idea?

I just find it very disheartening sometimes because these consistent spammers often push other people away from commenting on content and providing feedback, ultimately affecting the creator and the way their posts are displayed.


The front ends could add options to filter what we see. You can mute accounts, but some may argue you should not be able to restrict what others see. I am actually surprised there is not more spam. It is fairly low cost for now, but I suspect the RC cost would go up if it was taking too much bandwidth.


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