Rambling about learned stuff and stress awareness day

in HiveBloPoMo2 years ago
Being here on HIVE has shown me so many different things I didn't know, a huge part on how to manage cryptos and how much perseverance and engagement can bring, I've also learned a lot about how other cultures sell goods on #MarketFriday and how much a 30-minute walk can leave you feeling renewed and happier with a few memories to safe and share on #WednesdayWalk.
I even learned from @greensandpinks that on April 16th at some place in our globe was HUSBAND APPRECIATION DAY!!! What an amazing thing it is to celebrate our loved ones!
I know it might sound a bit cliche, but, I married my best friend, and I also think that those who did not marry their best friend, should make a best friend out of their husband/wife... if that makes any sense.


Nowadays, fewer and fewer couples are getting married, they get together, live together, but don't "sign the paper" and that is completely fine. I consider myself lucky I found my match in the most amazing person I've met. He is the best of fathers and the best husband and he does the cutest things like coming home early from his business trip to surprise me and the girls!
He is my stress reliever of choice, as he is the coolest most calmed person I know! And since today is (Again, someplace in our globe) Stress Awareness Day I think it's important to exalt those things or people that make bits of our stress go away, even if it's only momentarily.
It's not hard to find a stressful thing in our everyday life, house chores, work, schedules, money, cryptos going down, APRs going up (¡?), gas prices, war, and a million other thing that can cause us to feel overwhelmed, tired and fed up with them, but there's the importance of knowing or stress relievers so we don't fall a spiral of desperation. Yes, not all days are good but there's something good in each day, and those are things (or people) we need to keep well-identified and close to us when needed. In my case, as written, hubby is my safest place, in him, I find comfort when I'm about to lose my sh*t, is incredible how, just by looking at me, he exactly knows what to say to down my stress level, also helps a lot when he "removes" the stress factors, like the dishes undone or the half sorted room.
Stress, as a mental health issue, is a serious matter, many people don't pay enough attention to what a high-stress level can do on so many levels, even physically and I think it can also lead to bigger health problems such as depression, so, I googled up a few tips for better management of stress it will always be better to talk to a specialist about this kind of things, but, if that is, for whatever reason, not possible, this tips can also help a bit:
Exercise won't make your stress disappear, but it will reduce some of the emotional intensity that you're feeling, clearing your thoughts and letting you deal with your problems more calmly.


There's a solution to any problem, and if there's not, then you shouldn't worry about it.


A good support network can ease your troubles and help you see things in a different way.

"We all need to take some time for socializing, relaxation or exercise," says Professor Cooper.


Setting yourself goals and challenges, whether at work or outside, such as learning a new language or a new sport, helps build confidence. This will help you deal with stress.


Don't rely on alcohol, smoking and caffeine as your ways of coping. In the long term, these crutches won't solve your problems. They'll just create new ones.


Evidence shows that people who help others, through activities such as volunteering or community work, become more resilient. If you don't have time to volunteer, try to do someone a favor every day. It can be something as small as helping someone cross the road or going on a coffee run for colleagues.


Working smarter means prioritising your work, concentrating on the tasks that'll make a real difference.


Look for the positives in life, and things for which you're grateful. Try writing down 3 things that went well, or for which you're grateful, at the end of every day.

Here's the LINK

Meditation can also help, but I think that sums it all up pretty great! Oh! and music! always music, and quit being so hard on ourselves, cause we are humans, we are not meant to be perfect!!


Helpful tips! I like to add movement to my day. Even a walk around my neighborhood has a way of destressing my day.

I'd like to add movement too, but movement as in exercise, like running or hiking, not movement as in from the bathroom to the kitchen to the room to the kitchen again, LOL!

LOL. I know what you mean.

Excelente reflexión. No sabia que existía un día de agradecimiento al esposo, si se celebrara aquí mas de uno estuviera de parranda 😆 Me quedo con esa frase tan importante del final

"Dejar de ser tan duros con nosotros mismos, porque somos humanos, ¡no estamos destinados a ser perfectos!"

Totalmente! estando aquí me he dado cuenta que hay muchos "Días de", tanto nacionales (prinipalmente en USA) como internacionales, es divertido, incluso hay calendarios de "efemérides"