A Centralized Community Within A Decentralized Network

in Ban Hammer3 years ago

Now this goes to show one of the best parts of Hive. I can have my own little "centralized" community where I can "ban"(technically just mute) anyone I want. I can have my own little slice of Hive with nobody else bothering me(not that it happens). While people can comment, I can mute them all I like and just ignore them. I'm probably going to be making my no community posts into here for a few reasons.

Hive might be getting new users and some of them are the type that I won't like. Everyone might have a voice, but I don't have to listen to your voice. And some of them I definitely don't want to listen to. Ban Hammer should solve all that. I can have my own little echo chamber with others who I approve of.

I've got a few things to do to complete it, mainly scripting the auto bans to anyone who interacts with a post made within ban hammer unless they are already approved but once that's done, Ban Hammer will be ready.

Get Banned.

 3 years ago  

LOL I can't believe you took me seriously and are actually going for it.
It was supposed to be a joke, but now it's an even funnier joke :D


Make your own ban hammer post so I can ban all the commenters!!!

 3 years ago  

Sayer of things?

lol you crack me up man.

Does that not describe you?

 3 years ago  
