Old Content Is Irrelevant On Hive

Some people think content is worth much less than it is given credit for

One consensus witness has suggested removing the global content reward pool entirely because he thinks the last four years have proven Proof-of-Brain a failure. I have discussed this matter in another post I made on Saturday.


Old content is hard to even find - little incentive to create content with lasting value

I think one of the biggest problems that can easily lead anyone to underestimate the value of content is that any piece of content that is significantly older than one week is very hard to find. Hivesearcher is a tool that was recently migrated from Steem by @good-karma. It allows searches to be done using keywords Hivesearcher is still quite rudimentary when it comes to the UI, however.

More importantly, the reward system is geared towards rewarding new and only new content. The payout window is only one week. A high-quality post that may take days to put together could continue to earn for years on the attention and engagement generated. On Hive, an author can only earn from the reward pool on new content. Any front end can monetize content of any age through advertisements. An author could earn on ads placed in their posts. The main reason that hasn't taken off is the small number of users and the low domain authorities of the front ends so far. Not enough traffic. For that, there is no other remedy than the slow grind towards more content and more links to Hive front ends from Twitter and elsewhere.

Supervote to fix inadequate rewards for the highest value content

But I wonder if a part of the reward pool should be allocated to a super large vote for each user for the purposes of rewarding one particularly good post per week. That could go a long way towards rewarding those posts that have particularly high and lasting value.


Some of the old content from four years ago was amazing and deserves to be seen

I fully agree. In my personal opinion, there are photography posts that are really stunning on Steem/Hive. Most of those have been made by professionals that I follow myself. @paulmp in particular has had his work published in National Geographic.

Hivesearcher looks simple but you can very well do complex queries, only UI doesn't show those options by default. Our hope was to get proposal fund to work on these things.

Hivesearcher looks simple but you can very well do complex queries, only UI doesn't show those options by default.

That's why I wrote the UI is rudimentary. I noticed that by clicking "i" symbol you a tab opens where there are search tips:


Our hope was to get proposal fund to work on these things.

It's good that you brought this up. I'll try and keep in mind and talk to people about it so as to garner support for your proposition.

Try this for example, shows all your content, replacing * with any term would give you results accordingly only from your posts, you can search your comments as well and many more complex combinations...

It's quite fast, too. How is it implemented?

By the way, rewards in STU's are a way to measure popularity but owing to the extremely high volatility of the token, a better way to measure that would be Rshares.

It is implemented with world standard best search engine ElasticSearch.

Yes, part of proposal work is to improve these ranking algorithms to use unbiased metrics without/less consideration of rewards.

In my opinion old content if it is on the same theme if build up the branding of the account and what it stands for. Might be sparkled with experiments along the way, but I am sure there is a central theme for each of us. And you can take it, aggregate it and transform it into an app or something else.

Any YouTube OG's here remember when Alex Jones was the only alternative media getting any attention?

Its great how far information technology has come.

Cross-posting or comment voting and setting beneficiaries is already possible.

We can even automate it, it just involves a little effort on the author or supporter's behalf, especially if you can use Beem or Beempy.

I think making this even easier will lead to abuse and make Hive a less exciting place to hang around. It will also further burden tax the over-burdened reward pool.

I don't know why so many people think the issue with Hive is not enough rewards for good content creators. It's the content consumers that we need to bring in.