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RE: Winners - Silver Gold Stackers Engagement Initiative & New Question - 5 HSBI For Grabs

When my Father passed away in a freak hunting accident his coin collection was passed on to me but that wasn't what got me into stacking. In fact there was a time I was desperate for cash and nearly sold that collection to a dealer. But there were the good times I spent with my Father around his collection, fun memories that were treasured.
I held on to them.

I tightened my bootstraps and apron. Got my Nursing Certificate and planned a stable future for my growing boys. After several years of long front line shifts things weren't going according to my meticulous budget plan. Inflation seemed to out pace what cost of living increases I got. Something didn't seemed right.

I looked for investing ideals, Gold specialist Martin Armstrong had a fascinating and revealing economic model seminar, then I found Chris Duane's YouTube series; The Greatest Truth never told. I had to explore the rabbit hole further.
Books like the Creature from Jekyll Island, Charle Savoie's The Silver Stealers, Mike Maloney's Youtube video series; The Hidden secrets of money.
I've been Stacking ever since.


Sorry for the super late response dear, I did what I could this week.. BUT I read the comment early last week, just wasn't able to respond..

In fact there was a time I was desperate for cash and nearly sold that collection to a dealer. But there were the good times I spent with my Father around his collection, fun memories that were treasured.
I held on to them.

I'm happy that you got to hold on to them! I know how it feels to have to sell everything with a bit of value to buy food. It sucks. I'm so pleased to read that you could "save" these memories with your father!

At some point, I will make time to dig into this stuff further, I should bookmark the links for now and probably create a nice bundle of these links for when I have the focus to grab my head around that stuff.

Thank you for sharing this, post incoming soon! Currently finishing it :)