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RE: 2nd dose rapamycin update

in FreeCompliments9 months ago

Let's see how well I can explain this in my brian fog state.

Normally my hr at rest(lying down) has been in the 80's sometimes more. When I stand hr jumps immediately to 120+ and keeps going up. 140+ after 1 minute of upright time is pretty "normal" for me.

SInce I started using the patches that has changed. I do not wear them at night and probably have them on for 12-14 hours a day usually. Not sure if that is relevant or not.

What is happening now :
Resting hr is in the 60's even dips down to 50's for a bit but mostly in the 60's.

Standing up hr spikes to like 120, then starts going down. Now my standing hr is 80-120. It does not stay at 120 long or even into the 100's for every long it's like when my hr rises my body is adjusting to it. Huperzine a also used to have this effect on me but it kinda stopped working. I am not taking hup a right now because of the patches and similar mechanisms with ACh

I haven't logged any time these past few days of my hr in the 130-150 range. It just doesn't get that high at least not in the past few days.

My husband says I am "wired backwards". I think he's right. Leave it to me to take a stimulant and have it decrease my HR.

I am curious about blood pressure but can't find my bp cuff in all the chaos.


Very interesting! I'm not sure why your nicotinic receptors are working that way, but I sure wouldn't complain about it! That's fantastic and let's hope they keep on working for you! It would be interesting to know what the BP is doing though, I'm sure the cuff will turn up when you aren't looking for it. That's how it always works for me anyway!

Awesome new there though!

I am not sure if it's the nicotine receptors or the effect on ACh. Either way it's fascinating.

I'm gonna get a new one , can't hurt to have an extra one. Though we will probably find it as soon as we get the new one lol. I think my husband is picking one up today.I am curious too as to what my BP is doing. From how I feel I thnk bp is also lower too. I am not getting any of the pulsating stuff (like "seeing" my heartbeat or hearing it) when upright either.

If I was feeling better I'd do a NASA lean test on myself to see what's going on. I'll update you once I get a reading. I have logged my bp laying flat, sitting up ,and standing so I know what my baseline is for those.

I just spent a few minutes opening boxes sitting upright and my hr was a steady 75. WTF is happening(in a good way)?

My muscles are super weak today but maybe after a nap I can do the lean test...

That sounds promising though! Keeping that HR down is huge plus. Hopefully you'll feel better enough after a nap to give it a shot!

Nicotine patches seem to help so go with it is what I say!

I don't feel wired or jittery or anything either. In fact the opposite, I am quite chilled out. I am taking a small dose a half a 7mg patch for about half a day so like 2 -ish mg a day . Helping with asthma and allergies too (like sudafed on steroids).

Only side effect is a little dry mouth but I get that all the time anyway.

Small price to pay! It acts more like THC for you!

How are you feeling this morning?

Merry Christmas! How are you doing?