Road to Diamond in Apex Legends

in Hive Gaming3 years ago


I have been playing Apex Legends for like 2 weeks and I am very glad to say that I have climbed my way all the way to Platinum but I have to say now that I have reached Platinum Rank it has been tough to win any fights. The rank system in Apex Legends works on a fee-based system where each rank has a dedicated fee which you have to pay in Rank Points before you start the game. For example, in Platinum Rank, you have to pay 36 Rank Points before you start the game which means you will have to get at least 36 points in the Rank Game if you want a net positive result, and the higher the rank the bigger the fee you have to pay.


Personally, I feel like getting placement points is important rather than going for kills in the very beginning as chances are you drop at a hot spot and die without getting any single Rank Point. I like to drop close to a Hot Spot and loot up so that I can go to the hot spot later on and get some free kills. So it can be beneficial for me.

As for the Season Battle Pass, I bought it just for the Caustic Skin which is my primary Legend that I use to play the game. Caustic is a Poison User whose abilities I find very apt for me as I like to play defensive in Battle Royale Games.


Caustic has his NOX Gas which is basically Poison Canisters that activate when enemies come in close proximity and as the theme goes his ultimate ability is also a Poison Cloud where enemies get damage and move slowly. I have been having quite the fun playing Caustic but I have to say I would have had more fun if I could have played this with my friends in 3 stacked lobby as sometimes you get teammates which are rather noncooperative and that ruins the game completely.
