The Last of Us| The Long Night—gameplay fiction-2[ENG//ESP]

in Hive Gaming3 years ago

The Last of Us is a 2013 action-adventure game developed by Naughty Dog and published by Sony Computer Entertainment. Players control Joel, a smuggler tasked with escorting a teenage girl, Ellie, across the post-apocalyptic United States.


It's one of those games I started loving from the first frame of it. I always loved the emotions the characters play out in games and that's one of the things that brought me very close to this game.

Here I am converting the game into a fictional story, there's plenty of moments which words can't describe. So I will be narrating the story with a little bit differently. The plot and incidents will be the same. Some dialogues and some other small stuff will be changed to make it a better one to read. This will be a series, where each post comes as each chapter.

The header image is from here and all other images are screenshots taken from the game.


She couldn't understand what was happening, the voice on the phone seems very troubled. The urgency very much resembled on those words. He was both stammering and feared something. Something more than usual. It doesn't seem like something usual happening. She could feel that something big was coming on her path. The call didn't last much longer, Sarah stepped out of the bed the next minute the call hung up.


She looked around the room, she had the dreamy feel there. She could feel some change in the atmosphere also. A bad vibe was in the air, the vibe something inevitable. The light felt like a little bit dim for her. She knew that it isn't time to look around. She has to go to her father. There was urge raised inside her to find him. She got out of the room and started walking towards downstairs.

"Daddy..." She called him, but there was no reply coming back. There was a silence that spread around the whole house. Her instincts started giving her a clue that there will no reply coming. But she wanted to find her father. Then she remembered the letter she made to give her father.

She could see that on the table, she moved towards it. It meant something to her. Each word she had written on it come from bottom her heart. She went through the lines, she knew that even something was wrong there will be her father be there. She then tried to go along with the words. The whole letter was a pure indication of how the whole letter is written and the love she had for his father.


She stood there for a little bit longer, her mind was going through each incident she had for her father. There was a lot of moment, she wanted to see him. For a few moments, s she even forgot where she was. There was a lot of things going around her but she was ignorant of all that.

When she came back to reality she saw a light near the sink. She slowly moved towards there through the corridor. There was no one near there, but there was a newspaper left on the sink. It seemed like something had happened there. She took the newspaper and went to read it. There was something on the front page with a big heading. It was about the increased rate of people coming to the hospital with coming to the hospital.


There was something very strange about that, these infected people had some real bad conditions that couldn't be easily traced. She was wondered by all of it, she couldn't stand there for too long. It affected her a little bit, there was a spark inside her, that started a big fear inside her head.

[story continues]


Ella no podía entender lo que estaba pasando, la voz en el teléfono parece muy preocupada. La urgencia se parecía mucho a esas palabras. Estaba tartamudeando y temía algo. Algo más de lo habitual. No parece que suceda algo habitual. Podía sentir que algo grande se acercaba a su camino. La llamada no duró mucho más, Sarah salió de la cama al minuto siguiente que colgó la llamada.
Miró alrededor de la habitación, tenía la sensación de ensueño allí. También podía sentir algún cambio en la atmósfera. Había una mala vibra en el aire, la vibra algo inevitable. La luz se sintió un poco tenue para ella. Sabía que no era hora de mirar a su alrededor. Tiene que ir con su padre. Sentía la necesidad de encontrarlo en su interior. Salió de la habitación y comenzó a caminar hacia la planta baja.

"Papi ..." Ella lo llamó, pero no hubo respuesta. Hubo un silencio que se extendió por toda la casa. Sus instintos comenzaron a darle una pista de que no recibiría respuesta. Pero ella quería encontrar a su padre. Entonces recordó la carta que hizo para darle a su padre.

Pudo ver que en la mesa, se movió hacia ella. Significaba algo para ella. Cada palabra que había escrito en él provenía del fondo de su corazón. Repasó las líneas, sabía que incluso si algo andaba mal, su padre estaría allí. Luego trató de aceptar las palabras. Toda la carta fue una pura indicación de cómo está escrita toda la carta y el amor que ella tenía por su padre.

Se quedó allí un poco más, su mente repasaba cada incidente que tenía por su padre. Hubo mucho momento, ella quería verlo. Por unos momentos, incluso olvidó dónde estaba. Había muchas cosas a su alrededor, pero ignoraba todo eso.

Cuando volvió a la realidad, vio una luz cerca del fregadero. Se movió lentamente hacia allí a través del pasillo. No había nadie cerca de allí, pero había un periódico dejado en el fregadero. Parecía que algo había pasado allí. Cogió el periódico y fue a leerlo. Había algo en la portada con un encabezado grande. Se trataba del aumento de la tasa de personas que acudían al hospital con su llegada al hospital.

Había algo muy extraño en eso, estas personas infectadas tenían algunas condiciones realmente malas que no se podían rastrear fácilmente. Ella estaba asombrada por todo eso, no podía quedarse ahí por mucho tiempo. La afectó un poco, hubo una chispa dentro de ella, que inició un gran miedo dentro de su cabeza.

[la historia continúa]


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