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RE: The experience behind the achievements: The best of videogames

in Hive Gaming3 years ago

I can't believe it yet but I have never played Far Cry 3, I had played the first and second installment but I think it was just in my class period that the third installment came out and since then I haven't even been able to buy it, I have to catch up with that saga.


Nooo, you have to play it. The third one is crazy, it has original missions, the open world is pretty amazing, stalls, exotic animals, abilities and weapons, and the villain is just another crazy thing, really, of the ones I tried it is the best in my opinion by far, you can tell when a game is well done and this is one of them. I didn't like the fourth one much and the last one they released, which would be the 6th installment, looks good, we'll have to see but you have to dedicate a week to the third one hahaha. Cheers bro and thanks for stopping by @burnoutawesome .