Heavyshelf: The Unliving Early Access Review


[ Developers: RocketBrush Studio | Publishers: Team17 ]
It’s been a long while now since I made a review of The Unliving’s beta phase. Back in January, it gave off good impressions, and I was excited about the game with only a few reservations. The game is now available for early access, yet, to my disappointment, there are glaring issues not seen during the beta phase. This review will focus on my experiences in the early access phase of the game, not the beta, and will deal with the technical side of the game, looking at what has improved and what is lacking.
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Instead of giving a link you can directly share your post here on Hive. Then people will be more willing to vote you in my opinion.

Well I gotta help out my employer so I have to link it

Yeah you can link it after write it all here too.

maybe another review I'll do it since I might find ways to help out my employer and also earn something here in the hive