CryptoBrewMaster: Week 10 Busy Bee + Top Manufacturer


Here the winners of week 9 Busy Bee \ Top Manufacturer Events

Busy Bee

Position: 1 User: @alinalazareva Score: 1167 Reward: 20 HIVE
Position: 2 User: @alex-hm Score: 1167 Reward: 15 HIVE
Position: 3 User: @enforcer48 Score: 1158 Reward: 10 HIVE
Position: 4 User: @danyslav Score: 1056 Reward: 5 HIVE
Position: 5 User: @andrewweiss Score: 1037 Reward: 4 HIVE
Position: 6 User: @rollie1212 Score: 1037 Reward: 3 HIVE
Position: 7 User: @svitlanka Score: 1024 Reward: 3 HIVE
Position: 8 User: @aeneasrepublican Score: 1017 Reward: 3 HIVE
Position: 9 User: @advocatus Score: 1005 Reward: 3 HIVE
Position: 10 User: @saboin Score: 984 Reward: 3 HIVE
Position: 11 User: @nobutsd1974 Score: 813 Reward: 2 HIVE
Position: 12 User: @maxer27 Score: 737 Reward: 2 HIVE
Position: 13 User: @doctorcrypto Score: 571 Reward: 2 HIVE
Position: 14 User: @queenbee1977 Score: 563 Reward: 2 HIVE
Position: 15 User: @dechuck Score: 538 Reward: 2 HIVE
Position: 16 User: @vernuz72 Score: 524 Reward: 1 HIVE
Position: 17 User: @thahodler Score: 499 Reward: 1 HIVE
Position: 18 User: @cranium Score: 476 Reward: 1 HIVE
Position: 19 User: @robvector Score: 450 Reward: 1 HIVE
Position: 20 User: @ana-maria Score: 431 Reward: 1 HIVE
Position: 21 User: @gillianpearce Score: 426 Reward: 0 HIVE
Position: 22 User: @trueteller89 Score: 425 Reward: 0 HIVE
Position: 23 User: @sava0205 Score: 409 Reward: 0 HIVE
Position: 24 User: @myothuzar Score: 409 Reward: 0 HIVE
Position: 25 User: @chelseabfg Score: 408 Reward: 0 HIVE

Top Manufacturer

Position: 1 User: @abachon Score: 2180 Reward: 20 HIVE
Position: 2 User: @cranium Score: 2140 Reward: 15 HIVE
Position: 3 User: @cre47iv3 Score: 1970 Reward: 10 HIVE
Position: 4 User: @advocatus Score: 1920 Reward: 5 HIVE
Position: 5 User: @alinalazareva Score: 1730 Reward: 4 HIVE
Position: 6 User: @sushanthanchan Score: 1210 Reward: 3 HIVE
Position: 7 User: @rohansuares Score: 1020 Reward: 3 HIVE
Position: 8 User: @preparedwombat Score: 970 Reward: 3 HIVE
Position: 9 User: @cryptoyzzy Score: 960 Reward: 3 HIVE
Position: 10 User: @merthin Score: 950 Reward: 3 HIVE
Position: 11 User: @enforcer48 Score: 860 Reward: 2 HIVE
Position: 12 User: @roshansuares Score: 740 Reward: 2 HIVE
Position: 13 User: @itzninjafool Score: 720 Reward: 2 HIVE
Position: 14 User: @friendlymoose Score: 660 Reward: 2 HIVE
Position: 15 User: @nab242 Score: 630 Reward: 2 HIVE
Position: 16 User: @shimigamireal Score: 600 Reward: 1 HIVE
Position: 17 User: @saboin Score: 590 Reward: 1 HIVE
Position: 18 User: @rollie1212 Score: 580 Reward: 1 HIVE
Position: 19 User: @chubb149 Score: 570 Reward: 1 HIVE
Position: 20 User: @beco132 Score: 560 Reward: 1 HIVE
Position: 21 User: @robvector Score: 550 Reward: 0 HIVE
Position: 22 User: @master-lamps Score: 530 Reward: 0 HIVE
Position: 23 User: @thehockeyfan-at Score: 460 Reward: 0 HIVE
Position: 24 User: @hansvonkatte Score: 440 Reward: 0 HIVE
Position: 25 User: @tanzofett Score: 430 Reward: 0 HIVE

Thanks for participating!


Cryptobrewmaster is a beer brewing game from and for craft beer scene enthusiasts. Brew beer from different ingredients, trade, upgrade your brewery with collectible cards, evolve the character, Earn the CBM token, and buy a beer in the real-world by exchanging it on a cryptocurrency exchange Cryptex24 or via direct token transfer at our partner's online stores. The key idea behind the game is studying people about beer production, using the brewing equipment, and even study to brew their own beer at home. As well as our aim is to connect real-world breweries and industry supply producers \ equipment producers with potential customers all over the world!

We are at TOP4 Dapps on Hive and Top 15 Game Dapps according to DappRadar

Promo Video


The links

CBM Welcome Link 🎯CBM Game Discord 🖥International TG chat 📲
Join the partyJoin the communityJoin Telegram
CBM Twitter 🦅CBM Reddit 🤖C24: Exchange Hive \ CBM 💱
followstalk usat a better price



From #TeamAmerica to the rest of the #BEER Brewing world, there are many thirsty people out there that need to be shown the joy of #Brewing and selling for #CBM tokens! Not even talking about the #Tokennomics of the #Ecosystem, just the fun of playing the game and learning about #BeerMaking in general! Now teams, get out there on all the social media channels available to you and spread the word that #CryptoBrewMaster is not only fun and educational, but has real work #Tokenomics that will be one of the driving future integrated pay to play systems built on the #HIVE ecosystem! For real, right now, go Tweet, Facebook, MySpace, put flyers on telephone poles! Call your Granddad! Go stand on the corner and pass out flyers! Tell the world the #FOMO is real!

Від #TeamAmerica до решти світу #BEER Brewing, є багато спраглих людей, яким потрібно продемонструвати радість від #Brewing та продажу за #CBM токени! Навіть не кажучи про #Tokennomics #Ecosystem, а просто про задоволення від гри та вивчення #BeerMaking загалом! Тепер команди, виходьте на всі доступні для вас канали соціальних медіа та поширюйте інформацію про те, що #CryptoBrewMaster - це не тільки весело та освітньо, але має справжню роботу #Tokenomics, яка стане однією з рушійних майбутніх інтегрованих систем оплати, побудованих екосистема # HIVE! По-справжньому, прямо зараз, перейдіть на Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, поставте листівки на телефонні стовпи! Зателефонуйте своєму дідусю! Станьте на розі і роздайте листівки! Скажіть світові, що #FOMO справжній!

De #TeamAmerica au reste du monde #BEER Brewing, il y a beaucoup de gens assoiffés qui ont besoin d'être montrés la joie de #Brewing et de vendre des jetons #CBM! Pas même de parler de la #Tokennomics du #Ecosystem, juste le plaisir de jouer au jeu et d'apprendre le #BeerMaking en général! Maintenant, les équipes, sortez sur tous les canaux de médias sociaux à votre disposition et faites passer le mot que #CryptoBrewMaster n'est pas seulement amusant et éducatif, mais a un vrai travail #Tokenomics qui sera l'un des futurs systèmes de paiement intégrés de jeu basés sur l'écosystème #HIVE! Pour de vrai, en ce moment, allez Tweet, Facebook, MySpace, mettez des flyers sur des poteaux téléphoniques! Appelez votre grand-père! Allez vous tenir au coin et distribuez des flyers! Dites au monde que #FOMO est réel!

Von #TeamAmerica bis zum Rest der # BEER Brewing-Welt gibt es viele durstige Menschen, denen die Freude am #Brauen und Verkaufen für # CBM-Token gezeigt werden muss! Ich spreche nicht einmal über die #Tokennomics des #Ecosystems, sondern nur über den Spaß, das Spiel zu spielen und etwas über #BeerMaking im Allgemeinen zu lernen! Jetzt können Teams auf allen Social-Media-Kanälen, die Ihnen zur Verfügung stehen, bekannt machen, dass #CryptoBrewMaster nicht nur Spaß macht und lehrreich ist, sondern auch echte Arbeit leistet das # HIVE-Ökosystem! Um ehrlich zu sein, gehen Sie jetzt auf Tweet, Facebook, MySpace und bringen Sie Flyer an Telefonmasten an! Ruf deinen Opa an! Stellen Sie sich an die Ecke und verteilen Sie Flyer! Sagen Sie der Welt, dass das #FOMO echt ist!


Congrats to the winners
Beer for all

Блин, если бы не 2 часа ночи, такого бы точно не случилось... Вообще, обсуждается вопрос изменением времени окончания евентов?


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

stake us takes me redit. how do we stake you wait to we have 1000 to with drawn on the game? love this game and promoting out side of Hive also. never can find any post of it tho except yours

Try check the #cryptobrewmaster tag to check the community posts

Yes I do that. but usually more then a week old and also