Daddyspardan goals for streaming and the idea of game pass completion hunting

in Hive Gaming3 years ago

Hi there I'm a streamer and self taught crypto Expert and mostly on multiple platforms

As I means of being a unique streamer as well as adding in some thrills in i decided to hunt down season passes as a laugh, now many people choose to chase game passes for they own game they like but not many people choose to take on multiple game passes at once.

So at the moment i'm currently working on three games at the moment

Destiny 2 Season 13 Level 53

This particular game has much meaning to me as it a game both my wife and i have enjoyed playing and before our other children came into the world we use to enjoy playing this game but on our own accounts, and with at the posting this the guardian games are a few weeks away and the honour of the hunters vanguard need defending and I will stand ready

Guardian Games

**Red dead redemption 2 Outlaw pass LVL 2 at the moment **

This game online potential is almost unlimited and with what is out there on their at the moment it is very much enjoyable and if handled a lot like gta online I think it will be amazing .
However there is a massive bounty of 80 levels to conquer in this and I'm the cowboy to do it
Still waiting on Bank robbery mission online now :)

Fortnite Season 2 episode 6 Level 1

This one is one I'm doing for my kids, as particular my son W is a big fortnite fan and wants his daddyspardan to get all the items on the season pass so I'm gonna make sure to unlock them.
now fortnite is a game where I'm good at shooting or not so good at building
Which has proven to be handy against pure builders so just build and build and get lucky with shotguns and not really combat savvy
And before you say cant you improve your building ability, i have tried and failed terribly and to be fair my technique works for me and landed me a few victory royales

Fortnite my kids passion, my grind

But as always with these they is a grind and the grind is a good one to have, will I win these passes or suffer below the levels needed.

Come watch me on and earn some crypto TFUEL at the same time,

told you I was a self taught crypto expert, and hey who doesn't like free money :)