Theta both a means of entertainment and a safe way to enter the world of crypto

in Hive Gaming3 years ago is a unique streaming site that uses the concept of earning a special cryptocurrency for watching or participating in streams.

**How do i start **

Now usually to gain entry to becoming a theta content creator requires a special streaming key to be earned either through its social media campaigns #Streamkeyplz on Twitter or for general progression of random chance with another streamers channel.

If however you are unable to go to stream key you can use something called Edge node which you can use to stream on your platform if you want to give it a try and does not require a streaming key to gain access to. It works the same

**How does it work **

Now it works with the use of peer to peer networking to share upload and download peers.
Simply put by watching with other users you would use your upload and download of your own network in order to support nodes that are placed around the world.
In basic terms if you watch the same channel with someone who is within 1000 miles of you the same channel you share bandwidth and the use of that bandwidth is then paid for by compensation with the crypto known as Tfuel.
it is a special type of cryptocurrency on the ETHERIUM block chain
which at the writing of this review is a proximately worth 0.31 cents per token

**What make this platform unique **

in streams Content creators are able to open giveaway with unique items that anyone watching the streams can earn, Some of these items are redeemable only on the main site and some can be exchanged for physical items (example i won a free poro toy from a giveaway -minus the delivery fee)

Poro toy

The major point of all of this, more than anything this is essential to be unique and as well a starting point for many people in the crypto world. and with the likes of twitch. the battle to stay unique and trying to find a way to become unique in this market theta takes it to another level.
by not only awarding content creators who are both into crypto and not, but also unique that it allows viewers to earn something as well which adds to the engagement and it ability to be in the long game of streaming platforms

So in conclusion. Give it a look see how you feel and enjoy a bit of something for free while putting what you want back into it.

And be sure to check me out :P