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RE: Just another Skyrim Story, part one

in Hive Gaming2 years ago (edited)

What kind of ENB did you use? Or did you only use a weather mod?

Frostfall mod isn't very useful. No matter how much you eat, you still get hungry and freeze fast. A better alternative is Simple Needs mod and Inns and Taverns mod to add more inns to world space so you could rest and save inside.

My Favorite alternate start mod scenario is playing as an Imperial imprisoned by the damn Thalmor. I will only use the Emperor's voice to calm, assassinate, then steal on the guards. Then running outside to escape the prison is the thrilling part.

My 2nd favorite scenario is being a beggar or skooma addict (whatever race) trying improve his lot like a rags to riches/redemption story.

There's even a slavery mod with alternate start patch so you could start out as a slave dealer!

 2 years ago  

No ENB or Reshade — have a bazillion texture mods though, and am using a weather mod.

I'm using the inbuilt Survival mode that came with the last update of Skyrim for the Anniversary edition, that also came with a Fishing mod. Haven't tried the fishing yet! So far the survival seems alright. Food is useful, hunger doesn't seem crazy, the warmth rating and being cold seems to be working nicely, you have to sleep or get more and more fatigued, and while you always earn XP you don't actually level up and allocate perk points until you sleep.

I don't mind it so far!

That slavery mod sounds interesting! 😁

 2 years ago  

Only a weather mod? That's great! I used Obsidian Weathers before, now its Mythical Ages.

Had that slavery mod now. Its called Paradise Halls Enhanced (pahe). Started recently as a lusty Orc brute. Trying to train/mold slaves to have good qualities to fetch good slave market prices is a challenge. 😅