Streaming Assassin's Creed: Odyssey

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This is SPARTA!!!!!!!!!!!


I was playing AC: Valhalla for a bit this morning and I am still trying to decide if I like the combat in that game. The controls are pretty dumb and I wish there was a parry and better targeting in that game. The combat was one of the things that people had said that Valhalla was lacking, and I think I am going to have to agree with them.

So I got Assassin's Creed: Odyssey and I am going to be trying this game out from the beginning with this stream. I have heard that this is the best AC game that has been released, so I am pretty excited about it. The 300 movies were some of my favorites and I really like the Spartan Warrior history. I am looking forward to seeing how good this game is and if I am going to be playing this one more than Valhalla or not.

You can check out my stream for the game here:

Or if you missed the live stream, you can go to twitch channel here and watch the replay of the game:

 3 years ago  

Wow! Bro what I can tell you is that you have two good games at hand that you can enjoy whenever you want. When I saw your previous content regarding "Assassin's Creed" I was able to investigate and read a lot of reviews regarding its last delivery, it's just like you say, fans are more inclined to Odyssey. But as I told you friend, you have two great games in your possession that many of us would like to have... I only hope that these meet your expectations as a gamer. Greetings! ;)

PD:"This is SPARTA!!!!!!!!!!!" It is one of my favorite phrases that I use when I turn over some online game that at some time I see lost :)

"We do not retreat or surrender"


Ya. I am enjoying Odyssey more than I was with Valhalla. Maybe after I complete Odyssey I can go back to Valhalla since I will be more used to all the controls. They are a lot of fun though.


 3 years ago  

I can imagine it, from people's comments you can see that one delivery is better than the other... But in my opinion all "Assassin's Creed" is respectable for everything it carries.

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Yeah I'm definitely having problems getting into my assassin's Creed.

so I think I'm just going to switch out to a different game into my library and enjoy beating on them.

Hopefully one day they will put out GoldenEye for Nintendo switch as well as perfect dark.

I could definitely spend a lot of time playing those

Goldeneye on the Switch would be awesome if they updated the graphics and multiplayer. I would love that game to be redone.


Same here and perfect dark which is built and expanded of it.

Best game ever. My first time playing it I got mauled. Then I spent alot of time perfecting it.

One day they will listen to me...

Wow... Hang on!!!

And then it's having to be rebranded... Because the mgm right holder quashed it!


Well let's see maybe it's going to survive

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Are you trying out all the titles?

Not all of them. Just Odyssey and Valhalla. I had to find out which one I liked more.

Odyssey had Mercenaries which you had to take care off as they are tough bastards. Valhalla doesn't (and can't) have them. I have played Valhalla quite a bit now and will do a review soon. It's not as enthralling now as when I started, and there's quite a few bugs.

Kassandra... a fanny pack...Markos... a warrior horse. You need another horse! Hahaha....there's the horse! A new skirt. Awwwww... "you're my greatest pride".
Oooh, a cave... desynchronized!
Bad choice...
finally... Duris. MALAKA. Awww... dead!
What are you doing?
You got the sword!...
Oooh.. she doesn't know how to ride a boat!
Poor Kassandra... will have to take care of the bandits, and get the wood!'

You better be back!