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RE: Fable 3 | My Story Part 1 | An Unlikely Hero | - | Fábula 3 | Mi historia Parte 1 | Un héroe improbable | Eng - Esp!

in Hive Gaminglast year

Fable Journey, from what I hear, is meh as it's a kinect exclusive! Right now there are only three novels and 3 short stories. The novels are the Balverine order which takes place during The Hero of Bowerstones reign, but follows two new different people.

There's Blood Ties which follows Finn after Fable 3.

There's Edge of the world which is horrible as it gives us a very bleak ending for the Prince. It was meant to fill in the gap between Fable 3 and Journey, but the main complaint I see is that it feels like the writer never even played the games/cared very little for them.

Then there is Blood of Hereos which was supposed to be a tie in with the now cancel Fable Legends.