Video Games Being Blamed For Violence | Part 4: The Counter-Strike Stabbing | - Los videojuegos son culpados por la violencia | Parte 4: El apuñalamiento de Counter-Strike | Eng - Esp

in Hive Gaming2 years ago

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Alright guys, it’s been almost a month since I did one of these so I figured it was time for a new one! This isn’t a traditional “Video games being blamed for violence” article, as the incident that happened was directly linked to Counter Strike. So let’s get down to it!

Killing someone in a video game is a common thing. Hell, most online games have this as one of its main premises, whether it’s competitive shooters like COD, or open world games like GTA, it’s a common thing in video games. But what if you cross someone wrong? If you kill a person who is that much of a loser, he decides to take his grief into the real world.

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It’s a sunny morning, the birds are chirping, and you have just finished doing your morning dump. You sit at your table with a nice stemming cup of joe and a plate of bacon and eggs in front. Just as you’re about to take your first sip of coffee, there’s a knock at your door. You get up, answer the door, and there is a stranger standing in front of you. Out of nowhere, he pulls out a knife and stabs you.

It was later found out that he was someone you killed during a game of counter strike, and he wasn’t even a recent kill. In fact, you killed him 7 months prior in a knife fight you barley remember. He spent the entire 7 months tracking you down to 1v1 you in real life, and unfortunately you lost.

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This is something that actually happened all the way back in 2010. In northern France Julien Barreaux had spent 7 months tracking down a “rival” player who had killed him in a knife fight. It turns out that the victim ( I can’t seem to find his name) didn’t live all that far away from him, and after finding out his address, he decided to pay him a not so friendly visit.

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The victim opened up the door, and Julien lunged a kitchen knife into his chest, just missing the victim’s heart. Note: This is why I’m kind of joking about things in this article. The victim did survive the wounds as they were not fatal.

So how long did Julien get for these actions? After all, he had spent 7 months hunting down someone and planning to kill them, so he must have got a decent amount of time, right? Nope, he got a lousy two years and was ordered to go under psychiatric tests and anger management. In fact, the judge even said, “You are a menace to society. I am frankly terrified of the disproportionate reaction you could have if someone looked at you the wrong way in the street."

Such a small sentence for something that was planned out is very concerning, especially since all of this was simply due to dying in a video game. But hey, a lot of justice systems are messed up. I honestly think a ten-year sentence would have served him better!

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That’s all I’ve got for today folks! I hope you enjoyed this quick read!



Muy bien chicos, ha pasado casi un mes desde que hice uno de estos, ¡así que pensé que era hora de uno nuevo! Este no es un artículo tradicional de "Videojuegos culpados por la violencia", ya que el incidente que ocurrió estaba directamente relacionado con Counter Strike. ¡Así que vamos a hacerlo!

Matar a alguien en un videojuego es algo común. Demonios, la mayoría de los juegos en línea tienen esto como una de sus premisas principales, ya sean tiradores competitivos como COD o juegos de mundo abierto como GTA, es algo común en los videojuegos. Pero, ¿y si te cruzas con alguien mal? Si matas a una persona que es un gran perdedor, decide llevar su dolor al mundo real.


Es una mañana soleada, los pájaros cantan y acabas de terminar de hacer tu basura matutina. Te sientas en tu mesa con una buena taza de café y un plato de tocino y huevos al frente. Justo cuando estás a punto de tomar tu primer sorbo de café, llaman a tu puerta. Te levantas, abres la puerta y hay un extraño parado frente a ti. De la nada, saca un cuchillo y te apuñala.
Más tarde se descubrió que era alguien a quien mataste durante un juego de contraataque, y ni siquiera era una muerte reciente. De hecho, lo mataste 7 meses antes en una pelea con cuchillos que apenas recuerdas. Pasó los 7 meses enteros buscándote hasta 1v1 en la vida real, y desafortunadamente perdiste.


Esto es algo que realmente sucedió en 2010. En el norte de Francia, Julien Barreaux había pasado 7 meses rastreando a un jugador "rival" que lo había matado en una pelea con cuchillos. Resulta que la víctima (parece que no puedo encontrar su nombre) no vivía tan lejos de él, y después de averiguar su dirección, decidió hacerle una visita no tan amistosa.

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La víctima abrió la puerta y Julien le clavó un cuchillo de cocina en el pecho, sin llegar al corazón de la víctima. Nota: Es por eso que estoy bromeando sobre las cosas en este artículo. La víctima sobrevivió a las heridas ya que no fueron fatales.

Entonces, ¿cuánto tiempo obtuvo Julien por estas acciones? Después de todo, había pasado 7 meses persiguiendo a alguien y planeando matarlo, por lo que debe haber tenido una buena cantidad de tiempo, ¿verdad? No, recibió dos pésimos años y se le ordenó someterse a pruebas psiquiátricas y control de la ira. De hecho, el juez llegó a decir: “Eres una amenaza para la sociedad. Estoy francamente aterrorizado por la reacción desproporcionada que podrías tener si alguien te mirara mal en la calle".

Una oración tan pequeña para algo que estaba planeado es muy preocupante, especialmente porque todo esto se debió simplemente a morir en un videojuego. Pero bueno, muchos sistemas de justicia están en mal estado. ¡Sinceramente, creo que una sentencia de diez años le habría servido mejor!


¡Eso es todo lo que tengo por hoy amigos! ¡Espero que hayas disfrutado de esta lectura rápida!


Most of the people who blame videogames for violence can't even operate some basic tasks on a smart phone, might sound dumb and ignorant, but it's true.

Spewing crap about a certain something which they don't know anything about, nor do they care to know or understand. They will only have the right to pass comments when they've reviewed a certain aspect of the humungous list of videogame genres and this industry.

Spending at least a 100 hours into proper research, which is the minimum amount of time a person needs to invest in order to fairly understand a certain thing. Only then these people will have the right to make comments or to leave a review. Their assumptions and the guesses they take are just disrespectful; showing the behavior of a know it all, just because they're older and "wiser", as they say. I say it's just childish, but I bet even a child knows better about a videogame.

All these bans over videogames, or certain type of games in many courtiers is just a recipe for disaster. Videogames and the gaming industry are a crucial part of the future, and neglecting this billion dollar industry will only hinder the growth of a nation and community.

I couldn't agree more! However I think in this case, video games did have something to do with it considering it was the catalyst for this grudge this dude has.

Not saying that video games warped his mind, and more then likely this would have happened somewhere down the line if video games were not involved, but the entire reason he did this was because of a video game.

Pretty much what I am trying to say is that the video game isn't too blame, but it was the thing that started this event.

As they say you know "blame the game not the player" but I say it should be the opposite for most cases, "blame the player and their actions, not the game".

We all have our little grudges with these games and certain opponents in some competitive games; we say a lot of rough stuff and may seem rude, but at the end of the day, we mean no harm, it's all just trash talk. Some people just take it too seriously I guess, bit of ego or maybe even "mental" issue is present there, without a doubt.

So, blaming videogames and the industry as a whole is not going to solve it. The developers should focus on the player's safety and try to enhance their experience to make their time and money worth every penny. While the Gov try their best to promote competitive gaming and the industry, bringing in more development and "moolah" via gaming and its huge billion dollar industry.

Hmmm, I think we can pretty accurately say that driving a car or relationships kill more people than videogames. Guess it's time to ban relationships hey?