Elden Ring - Boss Fight - Valiant Gargoyle Bros & Fia's Champions (Gameplay Videos)

in Hive Gaminglast year

Elden Ring - Boss Fights - Valiant Gargoyle Bros & Fia's Champions (Gameplay Videos)


Hey guys, I noticed I'm still a little behind on uploading my boss fights from Elden Ring so I'm pairing two groups of enemies that aren't related. Recently I've beat the story mode once and only missed out on the dream dragon Fortissax and a couple Evergaol bosses. I'll be speed-running the NG+ mode for missing loot, fights, and to level up my character for PVP.


Valiant Gargoyle Bros


Above we have the Valiant Gargoyle duo in the underground area near Nokstolla or Siofra River -- they're both underground regions in Elden Ring that are pretty close by.

I love these kinds of battles where you have juggle the attention of two bosses. It just feels very engaging and exciting since you have to watch out for attacks from two different directions and remember when one of the bosses is out of your line of sight to the left or right -- or somewhere behind you.

You fight the Valiant Gargoyle Duo in a giant cavern with a waterfall that later leads to Deep Root Depths -- which is actually where the next boss fight takes place ... so I guess these battles are kind of related.

This giant gargoyle duo is surprisingly fast for their size but very weak to magic, especially the fire incantations I used. I stuck to Frenzied Burst due to how quick and far that magic attack goes. While both gargoyles do a lot of jumping and spinning attacks, I was surprised they didn't attempt to swoop down while using their wings or throw their weapons at me. One of the most exciting things is when bosses go airborne or start throwing stuff at you. Another surprise was that these guys had a poison-mist attack which didn't make a ton of sense to me since they're made of stone. That's something you'd expect from a more organic, biological enemy.

Here's the full fight below.


Fia's Champions


I couldn't find a good screenshot of Fia's champions, plus they're randomly generated based on builds from different player characters who chose to let themselves be hugged by Fia the Deathbed Companion, or at least that's what I read online. Looks like they try to mob you with a melee, a magic, and either a dual-wielder or rogue type with daggers.

This fight was incredible easy, which was odd since there were three opponents and I kept expecting there to be more of them but none were summoned. I actually used my Pumpkin Head summon to take care of some of them because I thought it was funny how weak they were.

Here's the full fight below.


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Elden Ring - Boss Fight - Crucible Knight Duo (Gameplay Video)


Hope you enjoyed the videos!

Feel free to leave comments or questions below!

See y'all on my next Elden Ring post!


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