
Fuck how amazing this adaptation is, this confirms to me that in Minecraft you can do absolutely everything hahahaha. That's why I like so much fuck

It is rather interesting. The creator of this Sonic creation also did a Super Mario Bros from NES in Minecraft as well. Just amazing stuff.

WHAT, you have to do a post about it xD You have to.

 last year  

La verdad es una locura todo l oque se puede hacer en minecraft, el verdadero limite es la imaginación y pocas veces las posibilidades del propio juego; sumado a eso los fans de una determinada franquicia junto a minecraft pueden hacer realmente cosas sorprendentes.
Por ahí recuerdo haber visto a un grupo de personas que diseñaron un juego similar a minecraft dentro del propio juego e hicieron un PC para que funcionara dentro del mineacraft jajajaj sisi tal vez no se entiende pero es una locura.

De acuerdo. Minecraft se puede hacer para hacer muchas cosas que nadie pensó que podría.

Recuerdo algo como de lo que estás hablando, una computadora dentro de Minecraft que ejecutaba Minecraft. Vivimos en tiempos divertidos.

Por favor, disculpe mi español, estoy usando un sitio web de traducción aquí.

If I'm honest, I care little about it being or not being a vanilla and more about how far fan love can go even on "new" games like minecraft, to actually pull a sonic the hedgehog inside another game is a love letter similar to running doom inside every kind of machine on earth xD (Even on potatoes someone has managed to do just that) so its great to see someone loving Sonic this much to rebuild it inside Minecraft <3 thank you for bringing this to the community today, remember to engage and have a great day.

I agree, just the fact that it is running in Minecraft is good enough for me. I try to cover most bases with my articles before people ask about certain things. I am an old school journalist, give as complete a story as I can in one article. Lol.

I love seeing fans do these things too. There are many working on additional ports of Neo Geo games to the Sega Genesis for instance. It is quite amazing what fans can do with unofficial software today.

Fans could always do more if people let them, The fact that a single guy did an AAA looking game with some generic assets is why people often misinterpret how far can a gaming fan truly go xD