HIVE GAMING-La gran sorpresa de prime gaming [ES/EN]

in Hive Gaming2 years ago

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Este mes contraté prime video, la app de streaming para ver los anillos de poder, la nueva serie del señor de los anillos, vayan y véanla es genial, con prime se puede acceder a una suscripción mensual de twitch y la use en una streamer que me cae muy bien, y con esto llego prime gaming, la verdad no tenía expectativas con eso, las recompensas que veía eran de juegos que yo no juego como lol y otros que apenas conozco, pero todo eso cambio hace unos días.

This month I hired prime video, the streaming app to watch the rings of power, the new Lord of the Rings series, go and watch it, it's great, with prime you can access a monthly twitch subscription and use it on a streamer that I like him very much, and with this came prime gaming, the truth is I had no expectations with that, the rewards I saw were from games that I don't play like lol and others that I barely know, but all that changed a few days ago.

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Resulta que estaba mirando las recompensas nuevas ya que salen nuevas notificaciones bastante seguido y para mi sorpresa me encontré algo más que agradable y fue UN DLC DE MINECRAFT DUNGEON, si, así como leen, soy muy fan de este juego, pero me faltan varios dlc, en Argentina tenemos un impuesto por compras en dólares y esto se me hacía muy caro al fin de cuentas y obtener uno totalmente gratis fue una grata sorpresa, además era uno de los que no tenía.

It turns out that I was looking at the new rewards since new notifications come out quite often and to my surprise I found something more than nice and it was A MINECRAFT DUNGEON DLC, yes, as you read, I'm a big fan of this game, but I'm missing several dlc , in Argentina we have a tax for purchases in dollars and this was very expensive for me after all and getting one totally free was a pleasant surprise, it was also one of those that I did not have.

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Me dio un código extenso y unas indicaciones de como canjearlo y el dlc fue mío :3 realmente esto me puso contenta, tenía muchas ganas de jugarlo, es el dlc del nether, estuve probando un poco (una hora máximo) y me encontré con cosas nuevas, por ejemplo, ahora en el juego hay un cofre donde guardar cosas, aproveche y guarde mis objetos del evento de halloween pasado, espero que este año haya otro evento con nuevas armaduras y cosas.

He gave me an extensive code and some instructions on how to redeem it and the dlc was mine :3 this really made me happy, I really wanted to play it, it's the nether dlc, I was testing a bit (an hour maximum) and I found things new, for example, now in the game there is a chest to store things, take advantage and save my items from the last halloween event, I hope that this year there will be another event with new armor and things.

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También revisando la página de prime gaming me di cuenta que había algunos objetos como skins de fall guys, o de super anima royale, si bien no estoy juntando tanto ya que son juegos que los juego con amigos, voy a reclamar también esas cosas, algunas tienen mucha duración para reclamarlas, solo tengo que acoplar mis cuentas.
También hay recompensas para lol y como tengo una amiga que lo juega asocie su cuenta para reclamar los premios, así todo es aprovechado, estoy buscando entre mis amigos para reclamar los premios para sus cuentas, así todo es aprovechado al máximo.

Also reviewing the prime gaming page I realized that there were some objects like fall guys skins, or super anima royale, although I'm not collecting as much since they are games that I play with friends, I'm going to claim those things too, some They last a long time to claim them, I just have to link my accounts. There are also rewards for lol and since I have a friend who plays it, she associates her account to claim the prizes, so everything is used, I am looking among my friends to claim the prizes for their accounts, so everything is used to the maximum.

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Realmente estoy sorprendida con ese dlc, el servicio en pesos de prime video cuesta unos 550 pesos aproximadamente y el dlc 370 más impuestos, lo cual hace que sea hasta más costoso que el servicio de prime, ahora sabiendo esto voy a estar mucho más atenta a prime gaming y los regalos que otorga, así que ya saben si tienen Minecraft dungeons y prime gaming vayan a reclamar su dlc.

I am really surprised with this dlc, the prime video service in pesos costs approximately 550 pesos and the dlc 370 plus taxes, which makes it even more expensive than the prime service, now knowing this I am going to be much more attentive to prime gaming and the gifts it gives, so you know if you have minecraft dungeons and prime gaming go claim your dlc.

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Todas las fotos fueron tomadas por mí
All photos were taken by me

 2 years ago  

Descubriste la rueda, sabia que regalaban cosas en su momento pero n osabia que seguían dando drops y además tan buenos

 2 years ago  

yo sabia que daban cosas pero no nivel un dlc xd

El prime Gaming me ha dado muchas recompensas geniales. Es verdad que al principio eran mucho mejores, pero no está nada mal, además de que puedes disfrutar de un catálogo inmenso de series buenas. Disfruta el DLC de Minecraft Dung, es buenísimo.

Prime Gaming has given me a lot of great rewards. It's true that at the beginning they were much better, but it's not bad at all, plus you can enjoy a huge catalog of good series. Enjoy the Minecraft Dung DLC, it's great.

 2 years ago  

si yo pude reclamar poco, pero con el dlc ya estoy feliz jaja

I'm so horrible with news of new services that I'm still stuck in the time of Steem x Epic Games, I'm going to take a look at this Prime Gaming and also try this Minecraft although I hate the term create houses, I liked the proposal of being an adventure mode.

 2 years ago  

The same thing happens to me, prime has been around for a while and I'm discovering its benefits now, Minecraft dungeons is a totally adventure and fighting rpg, improve your character and that's it, it's great, it has a story and many dlc


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Hell, I would never think it is related to MC, I just saw a fancy map (and I'm just a fan of fancy maps) and jumped in. How does it play in general? Looks like a voxel Diablo clone XD

 2 years ago  

I think I only played Diablo once but it has that style, on the maps you go through and kill different enemies, some normal, some enchanted, and at the end of each map (the maps are generally made up of 4 zones) there is a boss, and you find weapons and with that you give your character the style, it is thinking for 4 players but it is a game that did not have many fans, for various reasons, but it is great 😁