Pets 🐶 Multitopics Contest # 1 🤑- - Concurso Multitopics # 1 🐱 Mascotas

Hola Mi Amigos and amigas and all of my other friends around the world, I hope that you are all doing well and loving your furbabies as much as you can.

Hola Mi Amigos y amigas y todos mis otros amigos alrededor del mundo, espero que todos estén bien y que amen a sus peludos bebés tanto como puedan.

With great appreciation to @juancho10 who has not only created another great community on #Peakd in the form of the #Multitopics, but has also devised this brilliant #contest for us all to get into, today I would like to share with you a couple of photos that I took in 2009 of the love of my life, my cat Chad.

Con gran agradecimiento a @ juancho10 que no solo ha creado otra gran comunidad en #Peakd en forma de #Multitopics, sino que también ha ideado este brillante #concurso para que todos podamos participar, hoy me gustaría compartir con ustedes un par de las fotos que tomé en 2009 del amor de mi vida, mi gato Chad

Although Chad was not officially a stray, he didn't want to go to his new home with his owners and her 4 screaming kids and a new dog when they moved, so he went back to his old home and when I moved in, we met within moments and it was love at first sight for the both of us.

Aunque Chad no era oficialmente un callejero, no quería ir a su nueva casa con sus dueños y sus 4 niños gritando y un perro nuevo cuando se mudaron, así que regresó a su antigua casa y cuando me mudé, Nos conocimos en unos momentos y fue amor a primera vista para los dos.

Chad - 01052009259.jpg

I did not name him Chad, his first family did, but I gave him many other names like Cheeky, Chooky, Widgy and his official long name- Chadwidgy Chooky Carriage Daniels or as the local council knew him, MR 738177. and he was about 4-5 years old when we moved in together.

No lo llamé Chad, su primera familia lo hizo, pero le di muchos otros nombres como Cheeky, Chooky, Widgy y su nombre oficial largo: Chadwidgy Chooky Carriage Daniels or, como lo conocía el consejo local, Senor 738177. y estaba a punto de 4-5 años cuando nos mudamos juntos

I took these photos of him on my old iphone in winter 2009 wearing his beanie.

Tomé estas fotos de él en mi viejo iphone en el invierno de 2009 con su gorro.

Chad - 01052009261.jpg

And this is him in 2014 with his roll of 'lifesavers'- individual containers storing all of his medication all painstakingly cut the right size/dosage and stuffed into clear capsules.

Y este es él en 2014 con su rollo de 'salvavidas': envases individuales que almacenan todos sus medicamentos, todos cuidadosamente cortados en el tamaño / dosis correctos y metidos en cápsulas transparentes


Unfortunately he died on the 30 September 2016 from Pancreatitis which is a very painful illness and if I hadv'e been wiser and realised he was constantly being misdiagnosed every time I took him to the vet, spending thousands of wasted dollars in the process, he would not have ended up with IBD:Inflammatory Bowel Disease, which eventually turned into Pancreatitis and a very painful death for him and my heart being completely broken ever since.

Desafortunadamente, murió el 30 de septiembre de 2016 de pancreatitis, que es una enfermedad muy dolorosa y si hubiera sido más sabio y me hubiera dado cuenta de que constantemente lo diagnosticaban erróneamente cada vez que lo llevaba al veterinario, gastando miles de dólares desperdiciados en el proceso, él no habría terminado con EII: Enfermedad Inflamatoria Intestinal, que eventualmente se convirtió en Pancreatitis y una muerte muy dolorosa para él y mi corazón se rompió por completo desde entonces.

I have had quite a few furbabies over my years but none of them have even stolen my heart as much as he did. He wasn't a cat- he was a human in catsuit.

He tenido bastantes peluches a lo largo de mis años, pero ninguno de ellos me ha robado el corazón tanto como él. No era un gato, era un humano en traje de gato.

And he was the only furbaby that I have ever considered getting taxidermied cause I just couldn't bear the thought of life without him.

Y él era el único bebé peludo que alguna vez había considerado hacer una taxidermia porque no podía soportar la idea de la vida sin él.

So even though he was in a deep freezer waiting to get stuffed and sleep on my pillow forever, it never got to that stage though, because my mum ended up dying 10 months later, so he is now keeping my Mum company, buried with her, asleep on her feet in her coffin.

Así que, a pesar de que estaba en un congelador esperando para llenarse y dormir en mi almohada para siempre, nunca llegó a esa etapa, porque mi mamá terminó muriendo 10 meses después, por lo que ahora le hace compañía a mi mamá, enterrado con ella. , dormida de pie en su ataúd.

I have never had another fur baby since, although I really do miss being with animals.

Nunca he tenido otro bebé peludo desde entonces, aunque realmente extraño estar con animales.

What I have just done yesterday though, is do something that I have been wanting to do for a long, LONG time and that was to enroll in an online course so I don't ever have to rely on ignorant vets again and will be able to help animals whenever I need to.

Lo que acabo de hacer ayer, sin embargo, es hacer algo que he querido hacer durante mucho, MUCHO tiempo y que era inscribirme en un curso en línea para no tener que depender de veterinarios ignorantes de nuevo y ser capaz de hacerlo. para ayudar a los animales siempre que lo necesite.

And which is one of the many reasons why i created all of these documentary series that I have been trying to get produced and on-air.

Y esa es una de las muchas razones por las que creé todas estas series documentales que he estado tratando de producir y transmitir.

So I hope that you too join in and share your favourite photos of your furbaby in the fantastic new contest by @juancho10 and just click on the link here to find out how.

Translated with google translate, so who knows what it really says...lo siento...

Traducido con el traductor de Google, así que quién sabe lo que realmente dice ... lo siento ...

Thank you so much for reading my post , I really hope that you enjoyed it and look forward to your comments and thoughts.


And unless otherwise stated- ALL photographs, all media, material and writings, are all my originals taken by me sometime in the past few decades or so somewhere in my travels and as such, ofcourse they are subject to all international IP and copyright laws and I may have already used them for my own commercial purposes here And here, So please ask first if you want to use any of them as we wouldn't want you getting into trouble. Thank you 😊


The Ladies of Hive- your own crypto world girl gang full of fun and suprises, so click on the link to find out more about this brilliant community of caring, companionship and creative contests, such as this one....

Screen Shot 2021-09-28 at 7.36.06 pm.png

@hiveaustralia, formerly @teamaustralia check us out now!
(cause we're all such damn cool cats...😁


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To support your work, I also upvoted your post!

The man in the cat suit ... well said

Yes well out of 6 dogs 4 cats, 2 chooks, and a few rabbits here and there, he was not really a cat, not really an animal, just like Tyson, our old Rottweiler- who was also a man in a dogs suit, where as all the other dogs are just gorgeous dogs.

There's not many of them, though most owners will tell you that there are because they are biased, but they are the animals that are not animals at all and have even more intelligence and humanity in them than most humans do.

Although Thelma and Louise were definitely leaning towards the human side too...more so Thelma though..


Thelma loved sitting and falling asleep on my shoulder.

They were hilarious those 2. I don't think I've ever laughed that much as 2 animals constantly entertained me in so many ways.

You are a big animal lover, you have so many)
Yes, animals are sometimes much more human than some people. In any case, they are more honest and do not betray.

Yes that I am and that is my life's purpose, to help protect and preserve the animals by using my docu-series to educate the masses...after all, why is eating a baby sheep or cow any different to eating a human baby they are all living breathing beings and all have the capacity to do exactly the same things- eat, speak, play, love and feel the entire range of emotions and pain...

I understand you, but peoples have developed traditional food chains. In these chains, animal protein is sometimes an irreplaceable component. Try to deprive the Chukchi of fish or meat of a seal, venison.
It so happened that we got the body of the same animal as most on the planet - physically we are no different from primates. Some "people" do not differ from primates even spiritually.
We have what we have.

Yes absolutely true, but there is a huge difference between people eating animals as a matter of need and usually those people use all parts of the animal so it is not wasted and they are spiritual and thank that animal...

As opposed to needless waste of so many millions, simply because they can, it is a part of a robotic process and there is such a systemic cruelty in that. So many are raised to be killed, but yet thrown out as waste because they're not sold, similar to puppy factories pumping out puppies to the great distress of the mothers (so many diseased mothers and puppies born with birth defects), when there's more than enough strays in the world that need a home.

Remember the days when a farm was a farm ran by the family that you knew?

Well there' not a lot of them left these days because the corporate giants have taken over and turned them into factories with no care factor to the 'products' because they can afford that waste, whereas that family owned farm did everything they could to care for their animals (before they got slaughtered ofcourse)

I grew up in a dairy farming town- generations of family owned farms and they suffer financially and in so many other ways because of the corporate factory farms...

So I agree with you, there are millions that have no choice and need to eat animals, but there are trillions that don't and billions that die all over the world every day just to be thrown out.

Yes, I agree with you. It is one thing to be a farmer or a hunter, and quite another to corporations, which only care about their own profits.
In general, it is difficult for me to understand people who have so much money that they cannot spend on themselves in 10 of their lives. But at the same time, their greed only grows. As a psychologist, I understand this type of mental illness, but as a person ...

@bambuka denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!
@bambuka thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !

@bambuka denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!
@bambuka thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !

Hola @chocolatescorpi.
Que bueno verte participar en mi concurso. Es una lastima que tu gatito haya muerto de una fea enfermedad, pero estoy seguro que esta acompañando a tu Mamá y están siendo muy felices. Gracias por participar en el concurso y apoyar este nuevo proyecto. Un abrazo desde Colombia.

Hi @chocolatescorpi.
How nice to see you participating in my contest. It's a pity that your kitty died of a nasty disease, but I'm sure he's keeping your mom company and they are very happy. Thank you for participating in the contest and supporting this new project. A hug from Colombia.

Sí, es una pena que haya tenido que morir cuando realmente no lo necesitaba, muy temprano. Pero estoy seguro de que tienes razón, que él y mamá son felices juntos, aunque para ser honesto, estoy un poco celoso de mamá de que ella lo tenga ahora y no a mí, se suponía que él estaba en mi almohada para que yo lo abrazara todas las noches hasta que lo carqué.

Sii te entiendo total, pero ya verás que en el momento menos esperando llegará alguien a acompañarte, ánimos y un abrazo fuerte desde Colombia.

Muchas, muchas MUCHAS Graicias! 😃

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