Every Garden can be a Source of Abundance...

in HiveGardenlast year

... even in winter ! But you have to have done something about it, even if it was years ago. Today I'm taking you to my grandmother's garden, a woman of strong character. Looking back, this garden must be among my first experiences of contact with Nature, a semi-organized and wild nature, left as such, in its state of freedom.


There are water dishes everywhere. These are the bird troughs, which are always accessible and where we sometimes put some leftover food, especially in the cold season, to help the birds.



In the same way, pots of succulents can be found in all four corners of the garden, not abandoned, but rather left to their good will !



This is the little white birch grove where my grandmother collects the sap that rises in spring. The liquid obtained helps to purge the body. She never collects the same tree two years in a row and as they are quite close, they are linked by the roots and exchange any nutrients they may lack.




In the series of available fruits, there are pomegranates whose harvest was not so good this year, especially because of the drought.

There are a few persimmon trees that give hard persimmons, but these are not really good, they are quite astringent and bitter...


I take two salad bowls and a pruning shears for the final harvest, even on this detail, you can see from the plastic of the tuperware that it was of a much better quality than the one you can find today. Even if it is a cursed material in my opinion...!


Here, yet another regrowth of the fig tree bush I climbed as a child and which has been cut down countless times. Apparently, nothing will do haha !


A little bay leaf sauce, among other condiments...




This is a hackberry, Celtis australis, one of my favorite trees. This species grows fast, provides dense shade, its leaves turn blue-green in the summer and finally, it produces small edible berries that can be eaten fresh or preserved by drying them. The berries taste like chestnuts and are quite nutritious.





Speaking of my favorite trees, how can we not talk about lime trees, Tilia, and this particular specimen ? This one was planted in my grandparents' garden when I was born, so you can see how big a tree gets in about thirty years. I never miss an opportunity to pay it a visit, to hug it from a plant trunk to a human trunk.

I still have a tea of its dried flowers and fruits in my small flat. What better remedy for the city blues ? I imagine "my" tree, leaves in the wind, still and patient, slow and yet quite fast.



Let's finish with the second type of persimmon tree, Diospyros kaki, which is native from Japan and produces delicious, soft and sweet fruit. Real winter peaches ! These treasures are perhaps my preferred winter fruit, probably because they are only available at this time of year, and even then, only occasionally in the city, and at rather unreasonable prices...

Moreover, it is a complete aesthetic experience to go and collect these spheres of light on a beautiful cold day, the sky a deep blue, without clouds on the horizon.



I find this strange specimen, itself particularly graphic, one could almost imagine it as a pattern and I realize that I am far from being the only one to covet these sweet fruits. In addition to the birds that dig cavities with their beaks, dozens of insects, bees, butterflies and hornets are competing for the precious resource !


This does not prevent me from filling my two bowls, proof if any were needed that the competition that the human species as a whole is leading to Nature is quite ridiculous. We come from her and need her, not the other way around. And even if a fairly large number of people think they can free themselves from these links by living in the virtual world and downloading their consciousnesses onto circuit boards, I'm sorry to disappoint you, but it will never work... or only for very a short time !

And then what's the point of staying five hundred years in front of a screen ? Life is only valuable because it has an end...

With these good words, I wish you a good evening and I hope that in addition to having spent a good weekend, you have enjoyed this article !

Thank you for your visit,



... même en hiver ! Mais pour cela, il faut y avoir fait quelque chose, même si c'était il y a des années. Aujourd'hui, je vous emmène dans le jardin de ma grand-mère, une femme au caractère bien trempé. En y repensant, ce jardin doit figurer parmi mes premières expériences de contact avec la Nature, une nature semi-organisée et sauvage, laissée comme telle, à son état de liberté.


Un peu partout, on trouve des plats pleins d'eau. Ce sont les abreuvoirs à oiseaux toujours accessibles et auprès desquels, on va parfois mettre quelques restes de nourriture, surtout à la période froide pour aider les oiseaux.



De la même manière, on trouve au quatre coins du jardin, des pots de plantes grasses laissées, non pas à l'abandon, mais plutôt à leur bonne volonté !



Ici, c'est le petit boqueteau de bouleaux blancs où ma grand-mère récolte la sève qui monte au printemps. Le liquide ainsi obtenu aide à purger l'organisme. Elle ne prélève jamais le même arbre deux années de suite et comme ceux-ci sont assez proches, ils sont liés par les racines et s'échangent les nutriments qui pourraient leur manquer.




Dans la série des fruits disponibles, on retrouve les grenades dont la récolte n'a pas été fameuse cette année, surtout en raison de la vague de sécheresse.

Il y a quelques plaqueminiers qui donnent des kakis durs, mais ceux-là ne sont pas vraiment bon, ils sont assez astringents et amers...


Je me munis de deux saladiers et d'un sécateur en vue de la récolte final, même sur ce détail, on peut voir au plastique des tuperwares que celui-ci était d'une bien meilleure qualité que celui que l'on peut trouver aujourd'hui. Même si c'est une matière maudite à mon avis...!


Ici, une énième repousse du buisson de figuier dans lequel je montais enfant et qu'on a coupé un nombre incalculable de fois. Apparement, rien n'y ferra haha !


Un peu de laurier sauce, entre autres condiments...




Ici, il s'agit d'un micocoulier, Celtis australis, un de mes arbres préférés. Cette espèce pousse vite, apporte une ombre dense, ses feuilles tournent au bleu-vert dans l'été et pour finir, celui-ci produit de petites baies comestibles que l'on peut tout aussi bien manger fraîches que conserver en les faisant sécher. Ces baies ont un goût de châtaignes et sont assez nutritives.





En parlant de mes arbres favoris, comment ne pas parler des tilleuls et de spécimen en particulier ? Celui-ci a été planté dans le jardin de mes grands-parents à ma naissance et on peut donc constater la taille qu'atteint un arbre en une trentaine d'années. Je ne manque jamais une occasion d'aller lui rendre une petite visite, lui faire une accolade d'un tronc végétal à un tronc humain.

J'ai encore chez moi, dans mon petit appartement, une tisane de ses fleurs et fruits séchés. Quel meilleur remède contre les coups de blues de la ville ? J'imagine "mon" arbre, les feuilles dans le vent, immobile et patient, lent et pourtant assez rapide.



Terminons par le second type de plaqueminier, Diospyros kaki, cet arbre originaire du Japon et qui celui-là produit de délicieux fruits, doux et sucrés. De véritables pêches d'hiver ! Ces trésors sont peut-être mes fruits préférés d'hiver, sûrement parce qu'on les trouve qu'à cette période et encore, de façon assez épisodique en ville, et à des prix plutôt abusifs...

De plus, c'est une complète expérience esthétique d'aller ramasser ces sphères de lumière par une belle journée froide, le ciel d'un bleu profond, sans nuages à l'horizon.



Je trouve cet étrange spécimen, lui-même particulièrement graphique, on pourrait presque l'imaginer en motif et je me rends compte que je suis loin d'être le seul à convoiter ces fruits sucrés. En plus des oiseaux qui creusent des cavités avec leurs becs, des dizaines d'insectes, abeilles, papillons et frelons sont en compétition pour la précieuse ressource !


Cela ne m'empêche pas de remplir mes deux saladiers, preuve s'il en fallait une, que la compétition que l'espèce humaine dans son ensemble, mène à la Nature est assez ridicule. Nous venons d'elle et avons besoin d'elle, et non l'inverse. Et même si un nombre assez important de gens pense s'affranchir de ces liens en vivants dans le virtuel et en téléchargeant leurs consciences sur des circuits imprimés, désolé de vous décevoir, mais cela ne fonctionnera jamais, ou si peu de temps !

Et puis à quoi bon, pour rester cinq cents ans devant un écran ? La vie n'a de valeur que parce qu'elle a une fin...

Sur ces bonnes paroles, je vous souhaite une bonne soirée et j'espère qu'en plus d'avoir passé un bon weekend, vous aurez apprécié cet article !

Merci pour votre visite,




Thanks for sharing your memories with us ! I have no doubt many visitors to this blog will be interested to read about your grandparents and their garden. I too enjoy the scent of an old tree trunk, a wonderful reminder of past times.

 last year  

Hey, thanks you for your visit !

Trees are the most evolved beings on this planet, it is always wise to strive to get closer to them 🌿
Have a good week end :D

I'm super excited seeing a fresh bay leaf for the first time, I have always wanted to see what the fresh leave looks like before it's dried and now I have. You're so blessed to have these amazing plants and fruits around you.

 last year  

Oh ! I 'm glad to be the one to show you :D Next time, when it will be in flower, I will send you a picture !

It's mostly the garden of my grandparents, but I've the chance to be around some times, thanks you for you message here, I hope you're doing well 🤞

As I went through the images in this post, it felt as if I were in the garden with you. I have never seen a persimmon tree in my life, though I've had the fruit. What a stunning plant!
I hope one day my little container garden will be a fraction as good as this garden!

 last year  

As I went through the images in this post, it felt as if I were in the garden with you.

Nice 😊 I consider it as success so ! Yeah, those are really nice tree, they bring an oriental touch for sure and they should as they come from Japan historically !

Many luck for your garden, it's possible to do incredible things even without a lot of space, but it surely helps !! Have a sweet week ✌️

There is a variety of kakis that I don't like very much because they are extremely sweet and very soft when fully ripe. But I don't know if it is the variety that you grow.

A truly spectacular garden and orchard. I see that you are lucky to have enough land space. The patio of my house is unfortunately quite small but I still manage to have a tidy garden.

Greetings and congratulations for the post @anttn

 last year  

I think it's precisely the variety you're talking about haha ! Really love it, it's almost like honey inside ;D

Oh, it's the garden of my grandparents, but I've the chance to be there quite often, even if I'd wish more !

Good luck with your garden, how big is it ?

Wonderful to see this garden and the fruit trees. 😊😎
Thanks for sharing @anttn 👋🏻 Have a great new week ☀️🌺

 last year (edited) 

Maybe my favorite winter fruits ..! You're welcome 😊
Take care dear :) I hope yours will be nice too 👍

Thanks so much my friend 👋🏻😊
An exciting week it will be. ✨😉🤓
Enjoy yours! 🤗😘

 last year  

Thanks you ! Coming to the end, it was a great one and I hope for you too !

Back in Paris, winter is really here haha :D

Take care dear 😘

It is… very fast. To be honest this week was amazing. Lots of puzzle pieces 🧩 are falling into place 😁😎 so the move is coming together. Only left get a rental. 🤞🏻🍀

I can imagine. Here it’s 10 degrees outside in the morning… bbrrrr 😉 hahaha
Thanks, you too, take care @anttn 😘

Did you hear about the happy Roman?
He was gladiator.

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 last year  

Yeah, that’s nice !! Congratulations on those advancements 😉🌟 I hope it will work as you wish 🤞🏼 !

Thank you kindly 🙏🏻😁 let’s hope… 🍀🍀
Have a great evening 🤗🤗

I could not agree with the title of your post more 👍

I think those fruits are Sharon fruit. I absolutely love them, but apparently, you should avoid eating too much at once as something in it does not break down well in the intestines... that's what I head, so I try to be disciplined when eating them.

Lovely post to read:)

 last year  


Yeah, it's also called like that !
Oh, I didn't know that, I will do some research on my side, but I believe you ! I'll pay attention haha, thanks you for the info and your input ✌️

I'm glad you enjoyed it, have a great evening.

You're very welcome!
Have a great week ahead:)))

Beautiful plant, good job


 last year  

I'm glad you enjoyed the visit :)

Why cut down the fig tree? The fruit of the fig tree is delicious

 last year  

Oh, as it's the garden of my grandparents, I don't really know, but they have plenty more and I think it was a rather old tree..

Is this your garden ? Nice it.

 last year  

It's the one of my grandparents :)

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 last year  

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