When is the Best Time to plant a Tree ?

in HiveGardenlast year

... ideally it would be today and if not, twenty years ago ! This quote comes from a book I read some time ago, The Overstory by Richard Powers. Today, early in the morning, we got up to plant three lime trees. We waited a few moments for the gardener to arrive with his equipment and the three trees.

He was very friendly and we got to work straight away !



The sun came up and we brought everything, tools and trees to the locations that had been defined. Three lime trees, two shovels, a spade, two picks, some buckets, a wheelbarrow, soil and manure.



The gardener had brought a tool with a kind of very large screw which is used to dig holes for fence posts. I think it is called a " terrière ".

The holes dug in a circle were shaped like the barrel of a colt, quite a beautiful pattern really !




After this first operation, which helped us a lot, we start digging so that the roots can enter well without constraints.




We test and when we are good at this, we start placing topsoil mixed with manure at the bottom of the hole with the tree in its final position. We alternate the mixture of manure with topsoil and the soil that we have taken out of the hole.

At some point, you have to check that the tree is straight and press it down with your foot to stabilise it.





The neighboring sheep contemplate with relative attention, our operations and our efforts...


Don't water too much with spring water... To finish it all off, we plant a pole diagonally opposite the direction of the slope and bind the two, the tree and the stake, with bicycle inner tube.

According to what the gardener told me, this is the best system to use because it is strong enough but flexible enough to accompany the growth of the trunk.



Below are some pictures of our well planted lime trees. These are bearing beautiful buds and now all we have to do is wait and be patient !

I'm not too worried, I can assure you that these trees were planted with a lot of love !




I hope you have enjoyed this article and these tips. If you have any experience with tree planting, I'd be happy to share it with you !

I wish you a very nice Sunday, take care of yourself :)



... idéalement ce serait aujourd'hui et sinon, il y a vingt ans ! Cette citation vient d'un livre que j'ai lu il y a quelques temps, l'Arbre Monde de Richard Powers. Aujourd'hui, de bon matin, nous nous sommes levés pour planter trois tilleuls. Nous avons attendu quelques instants l'arrivée du jardinier qui amenait son matériel ainsi que les trois arbres.

Celui-ci était très sympathique et nous nous sommes mis à l'ouvrage sans tarder !



Le soleil s'est levé et nous avons tout amenés, les outils et les arbres jusqu'aux emplacements qui avaient été définis. Trois tilleuls, deux pelles, une bêche, deux pioches, quelques seaux, une brouette, du terreau et du fumier.



Le jardiner avait apporté un outil avec une sorte de vis très large qui sert à creuser les trous pour installer les poteaux des clotures. Je crois que cela s'appelle une "terrière".

Les trous creusés en cercle avaient la forme du barillet d'un colt, un motif assez beau en vérité !




Après cette première opération qui nous a bien aidé, on commence à creuser de façon a ce que les racines rentrent bien sans contraintes.




On teste et lorsque nous sommes bons de ce côté-là, on commence à placer du terreau mélangé à du fumier au fond du trou avec l'arbre dans sa position finale. On alterne le mélange de fumier avec de la terre végétale et celle que nous avons sortie du trou.

À partir d'un moment, il faut bien vérifier que l'arbre est droit et tasser avec le pied pour bien stabiliser le tout.





Les voisins moutons contemplent avec une attention relative ,os opérations et nos efforts...


On arrose pas trop abondamment avec l'eau de la source... Pour finir le tout, on plante un poteau en diagonale, opposé au sens de la pente et on lie les deux, l'arbre et le tuteur avec de la chambre à air de vélo.

Selon ce que m'a dit le jardinier, c'est le meilleur système à utiliser car c'est assez résistant tout en étant souple de façon a accompagner la croissance du tronc.



Ci-dessous, les quelques images de nos tilleuls bien plantés. Ceux-ci portent de beaux bourgeons et maintenant, il ne reste plus qu'à attendre, à s'armer de patience !

Je ne me fais pas trop d'inquiétudes, je peux vous garantir que ces arbres ont été plantés avec beaucoup d'amour !




J'espère que vous aurez apprécié cet article et ces quelques conseils. Si vous avez de l'expérience concernant la plantation d'arbres, je serai ravi que vous partagiez celle-ci avec vous !

Je vous souhaite un très beau dimanche, prenez soin de vous :)



 last year  

The father of permaculture, Bill Mollison, said that if you don't plant a walnut tree, in twenty years time you won't have walnuts. My fave quote ever.

I loved Overstory!

Plant all the trees! 💚💚💚

PS Do you want a special title after your name in the community, like I have?

 last year  

Wisest one ever :D !
I really enjoyed discovering this author, was already convinced, now I am doubly so.

PS Do you want a special title after your name in the community, like I have?

Ooh, I would be honored.. but even more if you chose it haha !

When is the Best Time to plant a Tree ?

the best answer will always be "RIGHT NOW" unless you are in winter...

 last year  

True, but in fact we traditionally plant trees in winter, We have this saying in France, "à la Sainte Catherine, tout prend racine !" ("on Saint Catherine's Day, everything takes root!")

Thanks you for visiting here :) I wish you a nice week ✌️

Yay 3 new trees 🌳 so wonderful to see. And what a skill he has. He knew exactly what needed to be done. The best start for the trees for sure.
Thanks for sharing this with us @anttn 👋🏻😊 happy Sunday!

 last year  

It was a very good and beautiful time, not the first trees I have planted, but it is always a very moving moment !

Yes, he knew exactly how to do it, quite impressive indeed ;)

You're definitely welcome, I hope you had a nice weekend ✌️🍀

Yes, and it will always be that way… a moving moment. As we contribute something lasting and needed. 🥰

Thank you so much, yes it was a good weekend. Hope yours too even though it was busy.
Enjoy this new week and let’s make it count! 👋🏻😘

 last year  

We planted three... Now I want MORE haha !

Hahaha I would too, want more trees 🌳

Are they lime ? as in the citrus family ?
or do we have a language gap here ?

 last year  

Yes, I find that strange too, but I have the impression that it is the translation of the French "tilleul" into English... it's quite strange, anyway, it's the trees of the genre Tilia.

So no limes in the story... I'll go and have a look at the English etymology !

Tilia. makes more sense. it is a big favorite. we have many of them around. beautiful.

First time I see this way of securing it with a pole.
The sheep view is so awesome :D

 last year  

Yes, this was also a first for me in relation to this system, but it makes complete sense in the end :)

Aaah, the sheep, real nice neighbors, peaceful and not particularly demanding either hehe ^^

The main photo in this article is quite unreal... Looks like a montage, but of course I didn't touch anything :)

Have a good week

 last year  

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