Gardening and children 🍃/ Niños y jardinería 🍃

in HiveGarden2 years ago


Happy beginning of the week community 💚🌻 long time no visit here 🥺, I tell you that Santi is bigger and loves nature. Now that he is developing faster gross and fine motor skills we took the opportunity to include more activities related to plants.

We have included watering the plants once a week as part of his activities, he still doesn't control the pitcher to pour the water 😁 so we dose his watering visit.

Her favorite plant is mint, since he waters it it is more lush and beautiful. Besides she loves water. Santiago comes to smell it carefully. When a leaf falls off he worries 😅 he doesn't understand that yet.


The plants in general since he goes to water them, he talks to them and makes them love them, they are more beautiful, leafy, even the "bitter" aloe is kind with him. Plants are enriched with the carbon dioxide that we exhale when we talk to them, it favors their biological process, besides they are living beings, they feel our feelings and certainly respond in their own way 💚.


Including these activities from an early age will help him feel a love for nature. Little by little he has learned to smell them and touch them carefully. He already asks if he can smell them. So one day a week we do a little gardening:


-We remove dry leaves
-Water the plants
-We add a little compost made by my dad.
-We join us with Sasha who sometimes gets into the materos (I don't know why).

So we spent a different morning 😀 and full of learning.

Feliz inicio de semana comunidad 💚🌻 tiempo sin pasar por aquí 🥺, les cuento que Santi está más grande y ama la naturaleza. Ahora que está desarrollando más rápido la motricidad gruesa y fina aprovechamos incluir más actividades relacionadas con las plantas.

Hemos incluído el riego de las plantas una vez a la semana como parte de sus actividades, aún no controla la jarra para vertir el agua 😁 así dosificamos su visita de riego.


Su planta favorita es la menta, desde que el la riega está más frondosa y hermosa. Además que a ella le encanta el agua. Santiago se acerca a olerla con cuidado. Cuando se cae alguna hoja se preocupa 😅 aún no entiende mucho eso.


Las plantas en general desde que el va a regarlas, les habla y le hace cariño están más hermosas, frondosas, hasta la sábila "amargada" es amable con el. Las plantas se enriquecen con el dióxido de carbono que exhalamos cuando hablamos con ellas, favorece su proceso biológico, además son seres vivos, sienten nuestros sentimientos y ciertamente responden a su manera 💚


Incluir estás actividades desde pequeño ayudará que el sienta amor por la naturaleza. Poco a poco ha aprendido a olerlas y tocarlas con cuidado. Ya pregunta si las puede oler. Así que un día a la semana hacemos una pequeña jardinería:

-Retiramos hojas secas
-Regamos las plantas
-Agregamos un poco de abono hecho por mi papá
-Nos acompañamos con Sasha que a veces se mete en los materos (no se porque)


Así que pasamos una mañana diferente 😀 y llena de aprendizaje





You've been curated by @plantpoweronhive! Delegations welcome!

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 2 years ago  

Hello @kyleana, please can you read our recently published guidelines? I hope you understand. You are a long time user of this community and we appreciate you, so we won't mute this, only gently ask if you can make some adjustments in future.


You've been curated by @gardenhive on behalf of the HIVE GARDEN COMMUNITY! We support gardening, homesteading, cannabis growers, permaculture and other garden related content. Delegations to the curation account, @gardenhive, are welcome!

Hello community 🧡 how are you? Excuse my ignorance but doesn't this come in as the family part? Introduce this habit from a young age? Or would it be missing something else? If so I will add it to it. Maybe I focus too much as a mom 🙃I already read about the title, I will modify it, really a thousand apologies and the language in the next one I will consider it.

 2 years ago  

Oh no the content is great, just the dual language. We love you 💚🌱