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RE: Dormancy, Or Denial? Maybe Just Determined!

in HiveGardenlast year

Wow! I see you really are a big fan of gardening in general since you have fruit trees and ornamentals.

In my house it's my mother, but my kids are following in her footsteps so we are always planting with them, but I'm more excited about fruit trees and aromatics.

I have always wanted to make compost for fruit plants, but I don't take action. I hope all your plants can bear fruit and I'll keep an eye on your progress!


Yes I really love growing! You ever thought about growing cannabis? It has to be one of the most aromatic plants out there! I was actually trying to grow some in my backyard since my neighbor had a dog, and it just stunk like pee, and poop. No luck though due to the lack of sun.

What are some of your favorite aromatics?