in ASEAN HIVE COMMUNITY3 years ago (edited)
Waktu memang secepat kilat , inilah sebuah kutipan sederhana dari saya , dalam kesempatan yang khusus ini.
Time is indeed lightning fast, here is a simple quote from me, in this special occasion.
Kami menyebut ini / khusus adalah saya selaku admin dari @aceh-media ini yang mencetak posting ini, dan seperti posting sebelum ini , baik anggara dan admin , kami ingin terus melanjutkan petualangan dengan berkosentrasi dalam hal "KEMANUSIAAN" .
What we call this / special is that I am the admin of @aceh-media who printed this post, and like the previous post, both budgetary and admin, we want to continue the adventure by concentrating on "HUMANITY".
Pada kesempatan ini saya akan mengupas sedikit mengenai objek yang kami peragakan ini. Dan dibawah ini sedikit ulasannya , dan jangan lupa kita untuk menatap masa depan untuk terus berbagi!
On this occasion I will explore a little about the object that we are demonstrating. And below is a little review, and don't forget to look to the future to keep sharing!

Dari gambar jelas terlihat bahwa orangnya sangat sederhana dan bersahaja , dan dari gambar pula jelas terlihat , dia seorang miskin dan dia seorang bisu dan sekarang beranak dua yang masih sangat kecil 'Menurut ceritanya sekilas'.
From the picture it is clear that the person is very simple and unpretentious, and from the picture it is clear that he is a poor man and he is a mute and now has two children who are very small 'According to the story at a glance'.
Awal pertemuan saya dengan orang tersebut saat umur saya sekitar 16 tahun dan sekarang saya berumur 33 tahun , berarti 17 tahun lalu kami berjumpa, tentu ada banyak cerita dan banyak kisah selanjutnya dari pertemuan tersebut .... ,
The beginning of my meeting with this person when I was about 16 years old and now I am 33 years old, meaning 17 years ago we met, of course there are many stories and many stories from the meeting ....,
Saya dan kedua orang tua saya adalah Petani dan khususnya orang tua saya mempunya tiga petak sawah terpisah , dan dapat saya jelaskan luas dari sawah , bagaimana kelanjutannya ? Dibawah gambar ini kita lanjutkan kembali ,,,,.
Both my parents and I are farmers and especially my parents have three separate rice fields, and can I explain the area of ​​the rice fields, how is it going? Below this picture we continue again ,,,,.


Jumlah luas dari sawah tiga petak sawah orang tua saya kira-kira -+ 6.000 Meter dan tentu butuh tenaga kerja disaat melakukan panen,
The total area of ​​my parents' three fields of rice fields is approximately -+ 6,000 meters and of course it takes labor when harvesting,
Kita maklum bahwa, saat itu tidak secanggih sekarang teknologi bagian pertanian , jadi kita harus mengerjakan secara manual ,
We understand that, at that time it was not as sophisticated as now the technology of the agricultural part, so we had to do it manually,
Dalam hal tersebut Orang tua saya mencari orang bantu dan secara kebutulan Saudara inilah yang membantu di sawah , ini ringkasnya.
In that case, my parents are looking for people to help and on a need basis, you are the one who helps in the fields, this is a summary.
Dan kala itu termasuk saya yang jaga padi yang sudah ada didalam karung dan di tempatkan dinggiran jalan,
And at that time, including me guarding the rice that was already in the sack and placed on the side of the road,
Seperti kita ketahui bersama bahwa tingkat pengangguran di Negara Republik Indonesia yang sangat tinggi dan mengharuskan kita untuk menjaga padi tersebut agar tidak kehilangan.
As we all know that the unemployment rate in the Republic of Indonesia is very high and requires us to keep the rice from losing.


Saudara kita selaku objek utama kami pada kesempatan ini saya menguraikan sedikit , Sebelum kita masuk terlalu jauh , terlebih dulu saya menyebutkan nama beliau, Namanya adalah Ismail ,
Our brother as our main object, on this occasion I will explain a little, Before we go too far, I first mention his name, his name is Ismail,
Bagi penduduk Asia khususnya Indonesia nama ini tidaklah terlalu asing , dan jenis dan kriteria dari seorang Ismail ini sangatlah sopan, dia juga pendiam, dan kalau jam kerja dia sangat memanfaatkan waktu dan dia sangat sungguh-sungguh dalam melaksanakan tugasnya .
For the people of Asia, especially Indonesia, this name is not too foreign, and the type and criteria of an Ismail person is very polite, he is also quiet, and when working hours he is very time consuming and he is very serious in carrying out his duties.
Dapat juga saya tambahkan dia tidak pernah memutuskan duluan upah kerja , walaupun kita tawar , dia sangat yakin apa yang sedang dia kerjakan,
I can also add that he never decides the wages of work first, even though we bargain, he is very sure what he is doing,
Itulah ciri-ciri fisik Seorang Ismail yang sangat bersahaja dan berbudipekerti sangat baik.
Those are the physical characteristics of an Ismail who is very modest and has a very good character.
Setelah gambar berikut saya ingin terus menulis tentang Ismail !
After the following picture I want to continue writing about Ismail!


Setelah 17 tahun lamanya saya tidak berjumpa , tepatnya hari ini tanggal 'Selasa 11-November_2020 saya melihat dia di sebuah pinggirian ruko tempat jualan buah di jalan len pipa Aceh Utara,
After 17 years I didn't see him, to be precise today on 'Tuesday 11-November_2020 I saw him on the edge of a shop where he was selling fruit on Jalan Len Pipa, Aceh Utara,
Dan saya ada disebuah warung kopi, dan lalu saya memanggilnya , dan menyapa , ternyata , dia masih ingat sama saya , dalam bahasa bisu nya jelas terlihat dalam menyambut saya.
And I was in a coffee shop, and then I called him, and said hello, apparently, he still remembered me, in his silent language it was clearly visible in welcoming me.
Inilah dasar saya berjumpa kembali, setelah sekian lama tidak pernah ketemu,
This is the basis for me to meet again, after so long never having met,
Bagaimana lanjutanya , berikut dibawah gambar Ismail kembali saya sambungkan .....
How to proceed, below the image of Ismail I connected again ...


Saya mengajaknya untuk minum kopi , dan tawaran saya tidak ditolak dan kami sambil menikmati secangkir exproso dan membahas tentang keadaan dia (Ismail) Dan ternyata,,,,,, Dia sekarang dalam kesusahan , karena tidak ada pekerjaan dan suasana Pandemik ini sangat berpengaruh baginya.
I asked him for coffee, and my offer was not rejected and we were enjoying a cup of exproso and discussing his (Ismail) situation. And apparently ,,,,,, He is now in trouble, because there is no job and this Pandemic atmosphere is very influential for him.


Kami hampir satu jam berbincang di warung kopi dan mengingat kembali disaat kami di sawah dulu, dan terlihat ,dia ketawa lepas sambil mengenang nya.
We spent almost an hour talking at the coffee shop and remembering when we were in the fields before, and seen, he laughed out loud as he reminisced.


Setelah kami bercerita , dan saya juga menanyakan keadaan keluarganya sekarang dan dia sudah dikarunia dua putri ,
After we told the story, and I also asked about the current state of his family and he was blessed with two daughters,
Cuma satu keluhan dia sekarang , sepeda nya sudah di curi dan dia kemana-mana harus berjalan kaki, sedih sangat saya mendengarnya,
Only one complaint he had now, his bike had been stolen and he had to walk everywhere, sad I heard that,
Lalu saya memberikan dia sedikit uang / 50 usd , untuk keperluan dia , dan dia sangat gembira dan langsung pamit untuk pulang , karena sudah dua malam dia tidak pulang , karena tidak ada uang, anaknya sedang sakit, sangat sedih.
Then I gave him a little money / 50 usd, for his needs, and he was very happy and immediately said goodbye to go home, because it had been two nights he had not come home, because he had no money, his son was sick, very sad.


Itulah sedikit cerita sedih dari seorang sahabat lama , dan saya bersyukur bisa membantunya dan tugas saya selanjutnya adalah mengunjunginya kerumah, tapi disaat tadi saya lupa menanyakan sekarang di tinggal dimana,
That's a little sad story from an old friend, and I am grateful to be able to help him and my next task is to visit him at home, but at that moment I forgot to ask where I live now,
Tapi saya yakin , kami pasti bertemu kembali.
But I am sure, you will meet again.

11 November 2020


 3 years ago  

A tragic story indeed and it is very good of you to help out others in need. How is it that he is able to talk to you if he is mute? I'm not trying to be a joker but I am just curious? Would he write what he wanted to say to you?

I know by sign language from him ... Thank you @gabe.radke for reading it ... This is a true story in my life

 3 years ago  

Thanks @gabe.radke for being engaged in the ASEAN Hive Community. !ENGAGE 25

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 3 years ago  

@JustinParke here on behalf of ASEAN Hive Community.

Wow, quite a story in those eyes. In Cambodia, I once knew a teenage girl in the countryside that was deaf, and her family treated her as though she had a mental illness, not making much efforts with her. Her family had developed their own simple personal sign language, but I sensed she was very smart and trapped in her limited communication prison.

I happened to teach English to several employees of the Deaf Development Program, so eventually I convinced her family to let her come to the provincial capital and live with her oldest sister while attending Cambodian sign language and other self-improvement courses.

She blossomed quickly, now has a whole community of other Cambodians that are fluent in sign language, and she can finally express herself 100%. I wonder if this man knows proper Indonesian sign language, and if not, could he get access to a similar organization there?

Also, since he is only mute and not deaf, if he is literate, I guess he could always carry a pen and paper to communicate clearly, but that would be very labor intensive.

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