My Crypto Lambo Has Arrived!

in LEGO3 years ago (edited)


OK, so it isn't actually an exotic car. It's a massive LEGO set, though, and that is pretty neat! Also, while I did not buy it with Bitcoin or HIVE, the fact that I have a modest digital money reserve is the only reason I could justify this splurge.


I don't know how soon I will be able to begin construction. I have a real car I need to work on tonight if at all possible first. Don't worry, though. When I do build it, you'll be along for the ride. I'll take pictures of the project and share them here.



This one is much moar nicerer I think 😆

Unrelated comment: despite a couple close calls, I finally got the engine properly mounted on the left and right engine mounts. I just need to add the front and back brackets on the bottom, and make sure all the right fasteners are in to the right torque. Then it's time to attach wires and hoses.
