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RE: I Think Grimes is signaling back to me that she likes my Telos female Airdrop idea with Purple Parachutes and SAND in her Metaverse Set Video 100 Percent Tragedy (Extended Snippet) - Stella McCartney x adidas (feat. Grimes) AW19

in APPICS3 years ago

I've actually thought about the idea of airdrops for minority groups. Like you could have a tribe for black rights and then give airdrops to black members only. You could say that is racist technically, but if you are upfront about the funds, it could be a powerful form of peaceful activism. You could have a handicapped tribe where everyone can post but 20 percent goes to airdrops for people who prove they have a disability.


$GIRL POWER delegation

The Hive GIRl nitrous is in very serious consideration just needs some female investors to payf or Staking 1000 BEE, scotbot 1000 BEE and nitrous 1000 BEE and id add some extra stuff liek delegation and staking rewards and make it a female POB clone :D and add @telosnetwork and make it a cross chain hive telos GIRL power hive fork one day for women :D

It wouldnt be very difficult you could make a girl badge and then add the badge account as the benefactor from say ... 5 percent of each post. Then only give the girl badges to women who verify.

why racist/ because you could have a BLACK token for BLACK POWER staking rewards and a WHITE token for WHITE power? lol im suprised @fyrtsikken hasnt already done it anonymously as a huge troll lol

but im serious about the GIRL POWER token that has a cool 90s power puff girl catchy non threatening actually fun feminist feel to it back when women were like just vibin in the 90s and the whole idea of "men hating femenists" was just like directed at jenene gerafalo and even she didnt hate men she was just bitchy lol oh how far women have come, polluted by MK ultra and the male gayz lol

we need to decontaiminate men and women from the internet and uise blockchain for everything