Don't Buy Cheap MicroHDMI to HDMI adapters For The Pi 4

in Raspberry Pi3 years ago

I learned a little something about the pi 4. You really really really don't want to use a cheap microHDMI to HDMI adapter with it, because it causes the wifi to go out. Thats crazy you might be thinking. Thats what I thought too at first and wasn't what I was thinking was causing the problem.

I bought a decent adapter from best buy, but during the drive home I was fiddling with it and when I stopped at Walmart, I managed to lose it. Not wanting to spend that much again(and not caring about having it right then and there anymore) I bought a cheap one from Amazon.

Using that adapter I kept losing wifi while my monitor was set to it. Why would that happen? It doesn't sound right. Having the monitor on = no wifi?

The I ran into this post:

And that explained it all. Yup that was the problem for me. I tried to lower the resolution and that didn't work. I didn't want to run the pi in headless mode so I changed it to boot into the CLI. And guess what. That worked perfectly. No more strange wifi going out problem. I might buy a better hdmi adapter (I could use the provided one with my kit but my monitor has only 1 hdmi port and thats why I need to use the adapter since I bought a hdmi to dvi cable.