Meet your DPS Axie (Predator Axies who attack to kill)

in Axie Buzz3 years ago

In Axie Arena, you need to be able to kill opponent axies. You do this with a good DPS or Damage per Second axie. Positioned in the back safely behind your tank, these axies have a high damage score or the number seen on the red sword on the move card. A good attack number is 100 or more. A pure DPS will have all 4 moves each with an attack number greater than 100. For beginners, a DPS will be a Bird, Aquatic, Beast, or a Bug. Slow plants and even reptiles will mean your attacks hit last which is usually a disadvantage. Take note, many competitive DPS axies will not be pure and will have other part moves that increase the strength of the rest of the part moves.