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RE: 2022-08-17

in THE 2020s2 years ago

I was afraid of Vietnam but I went to Vietnam meaning fear is not relevant. Life is about doing what you choose to do. The life of Oatmeal Joey Arnold is built around choices. I do what I want to do. That is what I do, period. I do not want to do sky diving, period. On top of that, there are many things I want to do that I do not do too. That is on top of everything else. This is pretty basic common sense stuff.

Dear @joeyarnoldvn, I agree with you! I believe that everyone does what they want!
Hmm, Is your real name joseph arnold?
Have you been biblical college in New york? Did you want to be a missionary or pastor?

 2 years ago  

Yeah. That is my real name. I attended a Bible college in New York. I thought about being a missionary or pastor.

Dear my young brother @joeyarnoldvn, Do you want to be pastor in US?
I have remembered you are a Baptist!

 2 years ago  

I want to continue to do what I am doing. I may not ever be a normal pastor. But I am like a pastor in that I try to help people. I grew up a Baptist.

Your argument is great! May God's grace be with you!
By the way, What do you think of Mormons and Amish?
Will they go to hell as Christian heretics?

 2 years ago  

You can only get into Heaven if you are saved. It is not about what religion you follow. It is about getting saved. It is also not about trying to be a good person. It is not about trying to do enough good things to escape Hell. What matters is whether or not a person gets saved or not.

Jesus said that he is the only way to heaven.
Do you believe that a religion that does not believe in Jesus as Savior will bring salvation to people?

 2 years ago  

Salvation can only be found through Jesus. There is only one way. It is not about religion meaning religion cannot save people. No religion saves people. It does not matter which religion or cult or belief system or club or whatever it is.

 2 years ago  

Yeah. That is my real name. I attended a Bible college in New York. I thought about being a missionary or pastor.

 2 years ago  

Yes. Yes, Yes. I want to continue to do what I am doing. I may not ever be a normal pastor. But I am like a pastor in that I try to help people. I grew up a Baptist.