Discord Demand

in COMMUNITIES9 months ago (edited)

Scroll down to see what Oatmeal wants for those wanting to help or to become mods, admins, in my Oatmeal Discord Server which is run by the people.

For more info about Oatmeal Discord Server
Click here to join my Discord Server

Oatmeal is stale without the sugar of your lips, metaphorically of course. This is just a rough draft outline brainstorming some of what I might want. Keep reading for more information about that.



Discord Demand
Click here to join my Discord Server
Oatmeal Daily - 2024-02-10 - Saturday | Published in February of 2024


What Are These Discord Demands?

Click here to join my Discord server.

These demands are basically what I want as it relates to my life, work, career, hobbies, projects. I'm not forcing people to help me. These Discord Demands are simply what I want and need. I listed some of these demands as follows in order to motivate people to get involved whether they be fans, trolls, haters, friends, partners, Oatmeal Heirs, lovers, relatives, family, staff, customers, contacts, followers, and/or whatever else. Note this is still an incomplete list that I should always update. Many moving parts. Tough to summarize. Maybe I should add more links and what not to this post. Following list of demands relates to what I want for me and for my Discord Server as well.

Discord Demands

Some of what I want might include:

  1. Hard drives and other things
  2. Mirror my content
  3. 10,000+ members before 2025
  4. Debunk Oatmeal Fake News
  5. Help me with other projects
  6. Download my content, make archives, etc
  7. Rescue my lost content online/offline
  8. Make me websites, video games, videos, memes, GIFs, etc
  9. Advertise me, plug/market me, promo trailers, etc
  10. Outline me, make outlines, directories, databases, etc


Previous version of this page.
See my main article page for more info on my Discord.

Purpose/intention of my Discord Demands is to get people involved in being part of what I'm trying to build. I'm not going to like fully explain and describe what I'm building except to say I believe in helping people help people in a wide variety of ways whether that be how-to videos, self-help books, education through entertainment, comedy for therapy as laughter is healing, the value of history, education, science, religion, philosophy, law, principles, entertainment, music, drama, dance, literature, language, other topics, categories, life, death, and what not. But at the same time, I'm also building my autobiography as a foundational starting point which I can then spring from. For those who might be new or who may not understand, remind me to explain more of what I mean. I have tried explaining some of this before. Let me emphasize on the word some. It is tough as I spread myself thin in life doing too many things. I mean too many projects. I am looking for Heirs of Oatmeal who want to continue to make the world greener one oatmeal at a time.


People are free to join and run my server regardless of whatever I'm doing. I'm not going to promise how often I might be in my server because I'm often busy working on things. I'm always researching, investigating, writing things down, scanning, archiving, etc. I'm always making videos, articles, memes, Twitter X tweets, etc. Purpose of my demands here is to see who is interested in helping me. Like, I'm curious about how much demand there is for what I have to offer. I can't do everything in life. I'm many years behinds in all the things I'm working on. So, I try to prioritize and balance it all out as I have never ending lists of things to do. This article or web page here may not be totally finished as I cannot totally summarize and describe everything I'm trying to say about my demands, my server, and my life in general. To be continued.