📷 :) 352, It is my daily routine.

in Photo Lovers2 years ago

I get up late in the morning. It's about 6 o'clock. Then I came out of the room. And I do hot water for myself. I'm going to freshen up. After some time I start exercising. Then the wife and son also get up. He is making tea for himself. Then he drinks tea in the morning.


Then today I do only half the exercise. Then I go to get milk. From there I bring two kilos of milk. I keep a box of milk in the kitchen. And went to the bathroom to take a shower. Sitting there, I take a quick bath. I will come out after some time.

went to the kitchen. Then I bring milk and paratha for myself. Today Radish Paratha is made. Radish Paratha is very tasty. Then I had breakfast.


It's 8 o'clock. I have reached school. All the children are praying. I am working in my office. After some time the child comes to his class. Today children have to learn to make art. But a lot of kids are interested in art.

I ask the kids. Who makes art? A child stands up. He says that I draw pictures on the blackboard. Then he starts drawing a cartoon illustration. It has started drawing the lines of a cartoon.


Then the picture of the cartoon is complete. Because children also watch cartoons at home. That's why he makes art easy. Then the child starts copying his art. I am checking the copies of some children right now. The kids I gave last week to make art. So today I have to check the copy of all the children.


It's 11 o'clock. I see children making art. Because children are making very beautiful art. Because children have shown interest in their art. Then I go to another class. Because on that too, children have to make art. Then I see all the kids in the class doing art.


It's afternoon. It's time for dinner. Then I open my son's launchbox. And the vegetable is made very special in food. And there is bread too. My son likes vegetables. Then I also open my launchbox. Dal is made in my food. Today the food of both is prepared separately.


It's 4 o'clock. Then I am preparing my post. After preparing I take a picture of my post. I make my post everyday. After a long time, I have come in the first place. I'm glad I'm having a rash.


It's 6 o'clock. Then I close my office. First of all turn off all computers. And then the light is turned off. Then the door is closed. After some time I reach the market. I am buying vegetables there. I take gourd and tomato in the vegetable. The price of tomato is increasing rapidly.


Here is my 352th entry

Medium : 13mp Camera Smartphone

This is my hive for today. Thanks for reading.