Greed is in the nature of humans

in Olio di Balena3 years ago


Humans want is insatiable, we all have a dream we wish to fulfil and at the time it was just a dream, we make it look like after achieving it, we will never dream of nothing more but it is just not possible, by the time we achieve that dream it lose value in our eyes and we start to pursue something better, so there is no limit to our wants..

There is nothing bad in wanting more, but when the need for more starts to make you feel depressed and you don't derive joy in things you own but always wanting more and more, then you really need to get a hold on yourself because the spirit of greed has taken control of you and it can lead you into doing something despicable..

Life is not balance, when you see some people asking for just three meal in a day, that is when some are asking for house and cars and some who got those cars and house are asking for jet, those with jet want an island and so the demands keep going, it never ends and the cycle keeps repeating.

No matter what, never stop dreaming because a person without a goal in life is a walking corpse, such person can't smell greatness talkless of achieving it, he won't see the need to push himself and success is not for the lazy ones, if you don't water your seeds they won't germinate into plant and without plant to grow into trees, don't even think about harvesting any fruits...

Perseverance is what you need to emulate if you really want to be successful in life or you want your dreams and goals to be achieved, as long as you don't give up, you are a winner...