Clima impredecible/Unpredictable weather .

in Olio di Balena3 years ago

El clima hoy es difícil de predecir, debo decir que gran parte de esto es culpa nuestra, el medio ambiente ha sido objeto de nuestra indiferencia y por así decirlo, mal trato.

The weather today is difficult to predict, I must say that much of this is our fault, the environment has been the object of our indifference and, as it were, bad treatment.

Los días comienzan con un sol maravilloso y luego aparecen estas nubes grises, presagiando lluvia.

The days begin with a wonderful sun and then these gray clouds appear, heralding rain.

El arco iris es ciertamente un adorno natural en el cielo, es una creación celestial, un ser humano nunca podrá lograr algo tan divino.

The rainbow is certainly a natural ornament in the sky, it is a heavenly creation, a human being will never be able to achieve something so divine.

He pasado por este sitio haciendo ejercicio casi a diario y los hongos que estoy viendo no las había notado, quizás por lo rápido que pasaba, pero me gusta verlos, es lindo ver la sabiduría de la naturaleza, sobrevive en cualquier lugar.

I have passed through this site exercising almost daily and the mushrooms that I am seeing I had not noticed, perhaps because of how fast it passed, but I like to see them, it is nice to see the wisdom of nature, it survives anywhere.

Aquí hay más, mi información sobre hongos no es la mejor, sé que algunos son venenosos, pero estos no creo que sean.

Here is more, my information on mushrooms is not the best, I know that some are poisonous, but these I do not think they are.

Feliz comienzo de semana .

Happy start of the week .


Those are some of the nicest picture I've seen in awhile. You even captured a 🌈 rainbow. I've seen it many time, but never able to capture with such a vibrant colour.

It's good to see you, I was worried about you, the vaccine has bothered you a lot as I read in your previous post, I want you to always be very well, you are a very nice person and I already consider you my friend.
God bless you always

@tipu curate

Thank you very much and happy tuesday

Thank you very much and happy tuesday