Escuché gritos /I heard screams .

in Olio di Balena3 years ago

Me sigo escondiendo para tomar fotos, me he convertido en un hombre muy arriesgado :)

I keep hiding to take photos, I have become a very risky man :)

Me camuflé entre estos árboles para ver a una joven y a su mamá divertirse saltando, debo confesar que también me divertí viéndolas rebotar y rebotar.

I camouflaged myself among these trees to see a young woman and her mother have fun jumping, I must confess that I also had fun watching them bounce and bounce.

Debo confesar que estaba inquieto, tal vez me descubran y no creo que les guste que les tome fotos, pero seguí mirando y divirtiéndome, esta es la mamá, tenía mucho miedo, cada salto es un grito ja,ja,ja,ja,ja.

I must confess that I was restless, maybe they will discover me and I don't think they like me to take photos of them, but I kept looking and having fun, this is the mother, I was very scared, each jump is a scream. LOL.

Nunca había escuchado tantos gritos en mi vida, aparentemente fue más aterrador que divertido, pero me reí mucho, gracias chicas ja ja ja ja ja.

I had never heard so many screams in my life, apparently it was more scary than funny, but I laughed a lot, thank you girls ha ha ha ha ha.

No sé cuál de las dos mujeres gritó más, la madre o la hija, bueno, volver a la infancia no es tan maravilloso después de todo :)

I don't know which of the two women screamed more, the mother or the daughter, well, going back to childhood is not so wonderful after all :)


Woh! it must be fun

Yes, but for the children, these women scream the same as in those horror movies, my only regret is that I did not buy popcorn ha ha ha, I had more fun than these women, I assure you, I looked at them and wanted to help them. , but it was hidden, this once was easy, the trees are very tall, imagine, my height is 6 feet and a little more, the trees and I were one ha ha ha ha.
A hug and thanks for stopping by, I hope you smile, help the soul