La naturaleza revela su poder/Nature reveals its power

in Olio di Balena2 years ago

Así como la naturaleza suele ser admirable, también tiene su lado poderoso, sin duda somos los humanos los que sacamos ese lado oscuro que tiene al destruirla constantemente y sin piedad

Just as nature is usually admirable, it also has its powerful side, without a doubt it is we humans who bring out that dark side that it has by destroying it constantly and without mercy

El cambio climático actual, porque ya es actual, nos permite ver la forma en que estamos maltratando a la naturaleza

The current climate change, because it is already current, allows us to see the way in which we are mistreating nature

Debemos tener y crear conciencia, cuidar, proteger la naturaleza, recordemos que es la base fundamental de nuestra existencia, no esperemos que otros lo hagan, es una decisión individual

We must have and create awareness, care, protect nature, let's remember that it is the fundamental basis of our existence, let's not expect others to do it, it is an individual decision