Perfecta coordinación y puesta en escena/Perfect coordination and execution

in Olio di Balena2 years ago

La vida sigue su curso y los eventos se realizan semana tras semana , este es uno de los más esperados presentación de ritmos de varias regiones

Life goes on and events take place week after week, this is one of the most anticipated presentation of rhythms from various regions

Pido disculpas por la calidad de algunas fotos, la asistencia a este tipo de eventos siempre es representativa, trato de alejarme de la gente ya que no he sido vacunado contra el covid 19

I apologize for the quality of some photos, attendance at this type of event is always representative, I try to stay away from people since I have not been vaccinated against covid 19

Algunos momentos previos al evento

Some moments before the event

Esta hermosa dama posa para mi , bueno ella es casi de mi estatura , al momento de su presentación varios asistentes se ponen de pie , ella baila magistralmente , quizás algún día la invite a bailar , yo puedo seguir su ritmo

This beautiful lady poses for me , well she is almost my height , at the moment of her presentation several attendees stand up , she dances masterfully , maybe one day I will invite her to dance , I can follow her rhythm

Fue una noche fantástica. Les deseo un feliz día y hasta una próxima publicación

It was a fantastic evening. I wish you a happy day and until a next post


I really notice that you, your people, have dancing in your blood

Amo ballare e questi eventi in cui le persone hanno una coordinazione magnifica, sono ore di prove e si concludono con una presentazione meravigliosa.

@tipu curate

Thank you very much .
I wish you a happy start of the week

Thank you very much .
I wish you a happy start of the week