Personas con Síndrome de Down que bailan de una forma especial/People with Down Syndrome who dance in a special way

in Olio di Balena2 years ago

Los eventos de baile continúan, esta vez los bailarines son personas especiales, así los llamamos, especiales, personas que tienen un síndrome que supuestamente les impide realizar algunas actividades, pero aquí los vemos bailar y de una manera muy coordinada

The dance events continue , this time the dancers are special people , that 's what we call them , special , people who have a syndrome that supposedly prevents them from doing some activities , but here we watch them dance and in a very coordinated way

Tienen entrenamiento y ensayos al igual que los mejores bailarines que actuaron en el evento

They have training and rehearsals just like the best dancers who performed at the event

Incluso teniendo problemas en las piernas levantan a sus parejas en los momentos en que el ritmo lo requiere

Even having problems with their legs they lift their partners at times when the rhythm requires it

Definitivamente no hay barreras que superar, estas personas especiales, son muy, muy especiales, fue una de las presentaciones más hermosas que he presenciado

There are definitely no barriers to overcome, these special people, they are very, very special, it was one of the most beautiful presentations I have ever witnessed


When I was young, I helped a few of these people. People who are extremely sensitive. Whenever I meet one of them, it always comes to my mind that we, who are not affected by Down syndrome, are missing something. Those who are not affected by Down syndrome are missing a piece of their heart.

Hai perfettamente ragione, queste persone sono molto sensibili e anche molto innocenti, l'espressione sui loro volti era sempre di gioia, anche nei momenti in cui la canzone le fa avvicinare troppo, è stato uno degli eventi più belli a cui abbia mai assistito .
Grazie per aver lasciato un commento stimolante.

@lupega, this comment has been manually curated with LUV

Grazie per il vostro sostegno

Es muy importante para ellos realizar actividades como esta. Les ayuda a mejorar su salud y bienestar. Merecen apoyo y cariño🐣

Totalmente de acuerdo , son personas especiales , no por su condición , si por su inocencia