Viaje a Ipiales/Trip to Ipiales .

in Olio di Balena3 years ago (edited)


Lo primero que vemos al llegar a un pueblo es su iglesia, esta es la de Ipiales, su clima es absolutamente frío, solo mira, la iglesia está bajo una densa niebla.

The first thing we see when arriving at a town is its church, this is the one in Ipiales, its climate is absolutely cold, just look, the church is under a dense fog.

Antes de llegar allí pasamos por esta construcción, me bajé del auto y les pregunté qué estaban construyendo, será un centro comercial y estará terminado para fines de 2022, un trabajo bastante extenso por lo que pueden ver.

Before we got there we went through this construction, I got out of the car and asked them what they were building, it will be a shopping center and it will be finished by the end of 2022, quite extensive work from what you can see.

Otra característica que tienen los pueblos son sus calles estrechas, al caminar parecen cerrarse al final.

Another characteristic that the towns have are their narrow streets, when walking they seem to close at the end.

La fuente deja caer el agua, supongo que está helada, el clima aquí es demasiado frío pero se contrarresta con un buen café caliente y una buena chaqueta.

The fountain drops the water, I suppose it is freezing, the weather here is too cold but it is counteracted by a good hot coffee and a good jacket.

También hay lugares como este aquí para disfrutar de un delicioso pollo asado, en lugares con un clima tan frío se siente mucha hambre, por lo que saborear esta comida es algo que el cuerpo agradece.

There are also places like this here to enjoy delicious roast chicken, in places with such a cold climate you feel very hungry, so savoring this food is something the body

Feliz viernes para todos.

Happy Friday for everyone.


That place looks very comfortable and the roast chicken... My goodness 😍 wish I can take a bite

ha ha ha ha, it's roasted is the only thing I tell you ha ha ha, you are a very kind person and you always make me laugh.
A hug and happy start of the week, tomorrow if God lends me life I will look for you and I will comment :)

I also think that the cold weather makes a man more hungry! In which country is that city you described?

The plate of food that you see there is for three people, I was with two friends.