Visita y decepción /Visit and disappointment

in Olio di Balena3 years ago

Este lindo conejo es Bonnie, el niño que lo tiene en sus manos es el hijo de SARA, la mamá de mi amigo CARLOS, ya los presenté a todos, ahora continúo .

This cute rabbit is Bonnie, the child who holds it in his hands is the son of SARA, the mother of my friend CARLOS, I already introduced them to all, now I continue.

Este conejo es una belleza , le dije a CARLOS, supongo que pensaste algunos días el nombre del conejo, Bonnie , un nombre bastante difícil de encontrar y muy original ja ja ja ja ja.

This rabbit is a beauty, I told CARLOS, I suppose you thought some days the name of the rabbit, Bonnie, a name quite difficult to find and very original ha ha ha ha ha.

Salimos a caminar, el día es bastante agradable.

We go for a walk, the day is quite nice .

Miré al suelo y le dije a CARLOS, parece que estamos dando pasos agigantados, ¿por qué dijiste eso FELIPE? , mira, las máscaras ya se están plantando, esta está madura, se ve perfecta pero no la voy a recoger.

I looked at the floor and said to CARLOS, seem like we're making leaps and bounds, why didyou say that FELIPE ? look, the masks are already being planted, this one is ripe, it looks perfect but I won't pick it up.

Aquí hay otra, es una pena ver la indisciplina colectiva.

Here's another one, it's a shame to see the collective indiscipline.

Cada vez más y más, contamos 15 máscaras en el piso al ir caminando , mejor no digo nada.

More and more, we count 15 masks on the floor as we walk, I better not say anything

Seguimos caminando y mirando, no vemos nada por aquí, le digo a CARLOS aplaudamos, CARLOS me mira y dice, si vamos a aplaudir.

We keep walking and looking, we don't see anything around here, I tell CARLOS let's clap, CARLOS looks at me and says, if we're going to clap .

Lo que comenzó con un lindo conejo terminó con una gran decepción, nunca cambiaremos.

What started with a cute rabbit ended with a great disappointment, we will never change .


Me encanta bonny

Hombre mano , ese conejo es muy lindo y tierno , parece un niño pequeño de esos que todos miman

Que lindo Bonie ♥️♥️

Así es , está muy mimado y no es el único en ese lugar , pero si el más lindo

It is too cute!!!!

It is true, it is a beautiful rabbit and it is very spoiled and it is not the only one in this place, but it is the cutest

Oh that's was lovely to see...

There are more than 10 rabbits there, and we all look at little Bonnie, he goes from hand to hand ha ha ha, he is a cute animal.
Thanks for commenting, you will always be welcome. I want a rabbit... thank you for having me.

Rabbits are beautiful but very harmful, better not buy it, just look at them like me :)
I wish you a happy weekend harmful are we talking about here

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